Completely unique game. I'll never forget it and there is not a single game that comes close to it.

Mods do bump this up to a 4.5/5, but as it stands just a 3.5/5.

Very fun.... until you have to start farming the same bosses again and again for exp

Overhated. Playing for the first time without prior knowledge greatly increases the experience.

My introduction to video games :) Still a good game all these years later.

First Pokémon game i played, so holds a special place in my heart <3

O mais fraco dos 3 jogos, e por MUITO. Mal otimizado.

Ignoring nostalgia and the franchise as a whole.... not that great of a game. Cheap jumpscares and a tiring experience once you notice you can just look at foxy's camera and nowhere else and still be safe.

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Killed every leviathan but the reaper. That screamy fuck scares the shit out of me.

Doesn't get much harder than this probably

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Sadly the double jump is reserved for the Trans, i can only shadow dash 😔