The final boss is pretty shit and keyboard controls are pretty bad, but those thing aside, this game is sooo good, one of the best platformers of all time period.
The game is exhilaratingly fast, never is your momentum truly killed, the level design is incredible with every level being just as good and memorable, and the soundtrack is just way too good.

Level design is quite a bit different compared to the original same can be said for how the story and characters are handled, the duology definitely feels like a combined saga imo, sorta like a part 1 and a part 2 of the same film if you get what I mean.
The gameplay definitely requires a different sort of approach and some more patience planning with slower gameplay than hm1 but imo its a nice difference between, sometimes the level design is genuinely bad tho(the nightclub level in particular) but other than that, the gameplay is pretty good in general, depending on how much tolerance for this stuff, and the game is worth playing for the story too.
A interesting follow-up to the original, but its not just a sequel, but a prequel and a requel? as well. The ending twist was definitely a surprise haha. The game also has surprisingly a lot to say, and expresses its themes and messages better than the first imo, although there's a certain charm to how hm1 handles it as well.

Finally got to play this after a long while in my backlog, and man it's just an incredible RPG, just amazing all around, while a few long sections can be a slog at times, its barely anything in the grand scheme especially with how good this RPG is.
Genuinely, had me a bit emotional by the end of it, I look forward to the rest of the series, just incredible.

Developed around the same time as Sonic 2, CD has a very different design philosophy to 2 and is sort of the sequel to the original in its own way.
I have certainly grown to appreciate this game more and the problem with most people I feel is that they think the large labyrinthian levels and the focus on exploration and multiple ways to reach the goal is bad, when it is isn't, its just different and that's fine, it certainly adds quite a bit of replayability to the game especially with the time travel mechanic.
The soundtrack bangs ofc and the levels look pretty good for their time and I believe what they set out to do with the game design, they did execute it well.
Its a different kind of Sonic game, and if you are fine with these straying from the general design philosophy of the sequels, then yea you should check it out.

I have been playing it on and off for years now, and man to sum it up, its a phenomenal game, brilliantly designed, the perfect combination of skill and chaos, but is limited by the fact it basically hasn't had a new content update in more than half a decade(which wasn't skins).

beautiful levels,cute cinematics, unique art style, a great soundtrac, and very fast level design make this game a fun short and well paced time.
Even though the level design was definetly intended it can be too simplistic at times sorta like a reverse CD, overall this was still very fun and I quite enjoyed it.

The best narrative in video games, this time fully VAed! Count me in man, this is peak.
The game has every thing u did want- excellent vivid and unique world building, intense moments, great character work, a layered RPG system where all the mechanics sync excellently, a story which will have you on a rollercoaster of emotions, and a phenomenal ending which brings the many themes the game tackles to a phenomenal conclusion and actually says something about them.
10/10 peak gaming cant wait for most of these style of games.
p.s- these review bombers are pathetic

Its a pretty good single player FPS, heard a lot of good stuff, but it doesn't' really do anything special both in terms of narrative and gameplay.