The best immersive sim ever made.

genuinely astonished how good this game ended up being. it's got it's standard ubisoft slop issues, sure and the story and characters aren't anything to write home about, but they atleast were incredibly charming. the gameplay though, in my opinion the closes a massively open world game like this has gotten to an immersive sim. like obviously it's still not as detailed with it's gameplay systems and methods of approach, but it's deffinitely up there. it's so much fun infiltrating places with your hacking abilities and gadgets

hella fun lil platformer, with some bangin tunes

one of the most fun games gameplay wise I've ever played. I personally hate grinding in games, but this somehow made it actually fun through the sheer quality of it's gameplay loop. the environments and monster designs in the game are nothing short of amazing too. it's a shame that the narrative aspects of the game are either completely forgetable or actively annoying, though I think it's still a testament to how engrossing the gameplay loop is that I'm still giving this a 9 regardless

it pulls off what it wants to do spectacularly. the sensory deprivation of the submarine combined with the grainy visuals and total hopelessness of your characters situation make for excellent horror

the bumpy start to an amazing franchise

The review fallout new vegas would've gotten had it not been saved by it's writing. The gameplay in both of these games is just so terrible, a below average shooter with some of the worst animations in big budget video game history. it's only saving grace is the fallout charm and a couple half way interesting looking locations, though that isn't helped by the god awful navigation through this world and having to look at it through a puke filter

a little full of itself in the story department, but eh, I didn't find it that bad. the gameplay gimmick is genius though, I remember being blown away with it when first playing the free browser game version, it was nice seeing it put into more expansive scenarios with more options.

an amazingly intricate immersive sim. nothing quite compares to this genre, and this game in my opinion is only rivaled by Prey 2017 (yes take off your nostalgia glasses, this is absolutely better than deus ex). the only thing that keeps it from being perfect is the quite awkward implementation of the chaos system, though I definitely love the choices it provides in taking out your targets non lethaly. The game is drop dead gorgeous too.

this game is really really dumb at parts, but i dunno something about it is just so charming

this game is very mediocre, and in some parts like the writing it even borders on straight up bad, but I don't know there's just something special about this world. it's one of the most aesthetically pleasing post apocalyptic worlds I've ever seen, and the gameplay loop is decent enough to keep me walking through it, I can't make myself to give such a detailed world anything less

Honestly shocked at how gripping edwards tale ended up being. The similarities and contrast between pirates and the assassins were well explored through edwards journey. Genuinely the best AC story to date and it would've been perfect as a movie, shame it's attached to a mediocre to bad video game. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of fun to be had on the ships, but on land it's the stalest version of the AC formula to date. Apart from the collectible nonsense scattered all over the map the main missions were mostly garbage, with a rare few tolerable ones.

An absolutely spectacular detective game. It's incredibly difficult in mystery games to make it truly feel like you're figuring everything out by yourself and not just completing puzzles to help the character figure it out for you. This game however pulls that off perfectly, so perfectly that the fact that the overarching mystery isn't very interesting doesn't bother me very much. The presentation of the game is absolutely spectacular as well. The graphics are very unique and intricate, the music is memorable and the performances of the voice actors truly feel life like.