6 Reviews liked by AdamDeverell

Rating is for then, not now. I’m just going to say everything is good here, except for the controls. Soundtrack is still killer, no filler. Ah, it’s bad to play now though but you will respect the game that paved the way for what FPS’s could be!

I originally played Ocarina of Time the year it came out when I was a kid, and the feeling of "this is the greatest thing ever" has stuck with me for a while even though my detailed memories of the game faded. I'd been wanting to go back to it for years but I've sort of been worried that my replay of it would reveal more flaws as I view it with an older, critical eye. But after finishing my replay, I love it just as much as I did as a kid. Yeah there are some annoyances like the occasionally finicky Z-targeting, or the entire Water Temple, but as a whole, Ocarina of Time holds up remarkably well. And even though I really had forgotten a lot of the game, I was shocked by how much was still somewhere in my brain waiting for me to blow the dust off.

Most fans love SVR 07 which is fair but I just fucking love 06. The music, gameplay and graphics are just awesome. It really paved the way for a more realistic wrestling experience in the games. Also the first WWE SVR game I played so yeah.

Big love for this one. P.S. GM Mode is just too sweeeeet!

One of the best games I played on the PS4. Story, graphics, gameplay. It's all on fucking par!

Love this game like mad. The music is so good and the story is one of the best I've ever seen in a video game.

Red Dead Online is bollocks though.

Definitely the best Tekken game out of the PS1 Era. Great roster, good final boss with Ogre (Not Shrek!) and the gameplay gets a lot more 3D which is epic.

Don't understand that Gon character though. Who is he again? lol

Yeah this game is a timeless classic. So freaking good I love it! This is when Tekken really started to pick up with it's 3D elements. Mad respect!

New Pokemon Snap was probably one of the most wanted sequels by the Nintendo fans and I was one of them. I played Pokemon Snap on my Nintendo 64 when I was A child and always wanted to live that experience again.

After saying that, I have to say it was good to live the experience of New Pokemon Snap but it wasn't I expected for almost all my life.

There's nothing bad with New Pokemon Snap to be honest but I think this gameplay is not so fun as it was in the past. It's a simple game that you have to take photos of Pokemon in different stages and trying to interect with them.

I always thought they lost a great oportunity to do a sequel on Wii U with the motion control of the gamepad. That could make this game a lot of fun and bring some new mechanics of gameplay for the franchise.

One thing that I have to say: New Pokemon Snap is the most beautiful Pokemon ever made.

To finish my review I can say that it's a good game to revive a moment of your life if you played the original game when you was I child. I don't know if you'll like it if you never played the one realesed the one on the Nintendo 64.

After saying all that I have to say: Nintendo shouldn't ask U$ 60 for this game.