New found respect, even if it's not my favorite RE game.

Great game. Lot of quality too it. Unfortunately for me, I'm not good at video games, and I find the combat in this game way too challenging. If I'm playing on easy mode, I shouldn't need to bang my head over two hours at a fight to get through it. So this game is just not for me.

Big takeaway from this one: Kodaka didn't need Danganronpa to be good all along :)

So as a sucker for Lucas Arts point and click adventure games (and just the genre in general) I was the target audience for this game, and while this isn't my favorite of these that have I played, I still had a great time with it.

It's shockingly a lot more down to earth then I was expecting from some of the others. It had good character work, good voice acting, and gorgeous animations (even in the old style which I fliped too often here). What's here is really fun and as solid time.

I think my biggest complaint is just how short this game is. It really is SHORT, especially if you're good at these sorts of games and know what you're doing, and it feels like it could have used at least a couple more hours of story here.

But for a short little jaunt you can do far worse.

Long live the bunnies.

Big takeaway from this one: I never wanna hear Kagami Kagami again.

So after seeing Sam Barlow's new games announced (and immortality being one of my favorite games of 2022, I figured it was high time I finally got back to this and finished it (I had started it a long time ago). I knew it was short, and it wouldn't take me too long.

What unfolded over the next three hours was just a wonderful, creepy, chilling, moving, and just all around great little story. I do wish there was a bit more meat on the bone here so to speak (something that Immortality definitely improves on), but this is still something worth checking out one rainy afternoon when you got nothing else going on.

Sam Barlow is a wonderful creative force in this industry, and I can't wait to see what they do next!!!

This game seems like such a great great idea. I love JRPGS, I love Wrestling, what's not to love right? Well a lot with this one unfortunately. I put in nearly ten hours, and it's just so generic in it's execution, filled with bugs and glitches. I really wanted to like it, and if the game was shorter I probably would have attempted to see it through, but at 40-60 hours (!!!!) I just don't think it's worth trying to finish this one off. Might try come back to

The final (for now) installment for me in The Sci;Fi Adventure series ends unfortunately with a whimper and not a bang. There are parts of this game I really do like, and it does set itself up for success really early on. The chill awesome cast of Robotics Note, and one of my favorite characters from Steins;Gate Daru? What could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately, they focus on all the worst tendencies of Daru early on, the writing is sloppy and all over the place and very hit or miss the most of the game. The "common" route is perhaps the worst out of any of Sci Fi adventure game yet. Thankfully, Aki's ending and the true ending do some heavy lifting to save this game from being a complete waste of time, and you do get some strong character moments from some fo the other side cast as well.

Techincally this game is a mess. It ran horribly on steam deck with constant crashes and even when switching to laptop I had issues on occasion, and was frustrating enough to make me consider dropping the game at a couple points.

Overall I do think it's worth playing, and clearly has some important stuff to set up for the future of this series, it's just unfortunately the weakest entry in a pretty great series overall. Bring on Anonymous;Code.

For reference my final rankings:

Steins;Gate>Chaos;Child>Robotics;Note>Steins;Gate 0> Chaos;Head> Robotics;Note Dash

After I finished playing Chaos;Head there was one major thought in my head. I loved the depressing dark vibes, and wondered what the game could have been like if 99% of the characters weren't abhorrent and unlikeable. Thank you Chaos;Child for answering that question.

This is the fifth entry into the Sci;Fi adventure series for me (only have Robotics;Note Dash to go) and this was one of the best. The dark, depressing, hopeless vibes are some of my favorite in general, the horror/gore theme of this one is something I enjoy. All of the characters were fantastic. The side endings ranged from fun to fantastic, and the true ending, while I didn't love everything about it, the payoff was 100% worth it.

A very special series, and a wonderful game. While it won't pass Steins;Gate for me (just an utter masterpiece) this is now my second favorite in the Sci;Fi adventure series and a must play for any Visual Novel fan. I highly suggest checking it out.

Big takeaway from this one: Phil Spencer is too big of a coward to give me a sequel.

So this is a game I've owned forever and wanted to get too. My first Super Giant game I've ever tried was Hades, and I was unfortunately quite disappointed with that and ended up dropping it. This is number two now, and while I like this more, I'm certainly not in love with it, and I feel that Super Giant as a whole might just not be for me.

Postiives first of all, I adore the presentation here, and the narration gimmick, it's fantastically done and certainly a highlight of this video game. What tiny character work we do get here with the couple characters are good as well.

Unfortunately there's just not enough of that. The game combat loop is relatively the same throughout, only different weapons really providing you any sort of change up in what you're doing, the story itself while solid, definitely could have used some more building out of it, and the characters really could have used some more depth to work with here.

The soundtrack is quite good, another highlight, and I don't regret playing this game, but I do certainly think it is a bit overrated from some of the hype of this game I've heard going in.

Big takeaway on this one: Maybe the Silent Hill 2 remake won't totally suck? Please.....please.....

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Well this is a weird one. Really disappointing and I'm not sure how much of this is me and how much of this is the game.

Let's start, I really did like the first one, I thought it was fantastic. The original great ace trilogy just kept getting better as it went, and I loved how everything in the third game circled back to the first to make it an outstanding game and my favorite in the franchise.

This one however? Man I'm not sure. Some of the story decisions are very questionable here, and it has some of my least favorite tropes in media. Bringing back people from the dead, that have a lasting emotional impact always bothers me, and when that happened in this game, it left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

The final moments of the trial I just realized that I really wasn't too interested in the climax of this game, and I'm not sure if I was just bitter over the twists itself, or if I have just burnt myself out on VN's this year (cause lord have I played a lot).

In reality the game is probably at least half a star to a star higher then I'm rating here. I was just flat out bored by the end though and finding it to be a slog, and I had almost no interest in the final mystery (with it also being very obvious what it was and not a great twist)

Huge disappointment and shock for me, especially with how well received this game was. Not for me unfortunately.

Unfortunately, while I love a lot about this game, a 40+ hour metroidvania with souls elements is not exactly my idea of a good time. Love the aesthetics, love the music, and love the boss fights. I may go back to it someday, but it'll be a giant hurdle for me to overcome.

Thanks to Raynik for gifting me this!

I played through quite a few endings (spent a couple hours here) and what I've seen there's no really true ending (though I have rolled credits)

What a weird unique and funny game. I really like these guys styles (I was a fan of accounting+ too)

There's so much to do and see here, and so many variations, and the newly added in stuff seems very clever. Marking this as complete for now, but I'll probably fool around with it in down time and try to find any endings I missed. Banger for sure.