I think to start this review one thing needs to be made very clear. I despite tactics gameplay. I do not like the challenge or the strategy involved, I do not like the difficulty, and it's just something I've personally never jived with,

I feel like Persona 5 Tactics was made for someone like me, more than the hardcore tactics fan. Someone who's a hardcore Persona fan, who maybe wants to dip their toe into something a little bit new.

Dare I say, by the end of this game, I enjoyed some of the creative style boss fights and gameplay. Not enough to try more difficult ones, but just enough to keep the experience from being Dull for me.

What really shines here for me is the story. Erina and Toshrio are fantastic characters, and just perfect additions to the persona cast. This is certainly more of a side story than Strikers (strikers was a proper epilogue really) but if I'm being honest, I think I enjoyed the story in this game even more than Strikers, based off the work by these two damn strong characters. Erina is someone so awesome I wish she was in the main cast. It's a shame she wasn't.

The music, as always is tremendous. My biggest complaints about this game (besides the gameplay being a style I don't really like), I think the side quests sucked. They were mostly puzzle based ones where you'd need a pretty exact solution to figure it out, and that just wasn't fun to me.

Overall though, This was a wonderful game, and a total surprise from me. I didn't even have plans to play it this year, but I gave it a shot and it hooked me. Persona games clearly hold a special place in my heart (from the tremendous Persona 5 Royal being one of my favorite games of all time) so I'll clearly give anything involving this cast a bit of a bump, but this one was genuinely fantastic in my opinion.

My original plan was to play FF 1-6 this year in order, after falling in love with FFXVI and really realizing what a gap this was for me. I finished FF1 just a few weeks ago, and was surprised how much I enjoyed it and was ready to jump into FF2 but life threw me a little curve ball. I forgot that the final run of GDQ this year was FFV, and at the recommendation of a friend, that I would not want to be spoiled, I decided to jump to this one next so I could watch the run spoiler free (which was 100% the right decision)

This is a fantastic game, very different from what you'd expect from a FF game, so I can see why it's not talked about so much, but it's genuinely great. The Job system is maybe one of my favourite combat mechanics I've ever had in a JRPG period. It made the combat fun for me, trying new styles, and trying to max out whatever I could before my final battle with Exdeath at the end of the game. It's such a shame that this job system was really mostly abandoned from what I've been told and doesn't show up again (albiet it, I've heard 3 has a stripped down version of it).

The story is really good. It takes a while to get cooking, and in the first few hours of my 25 hour adventure, I was wondering if this game was really THAT much of an upgrade over FF1, but once the story gets flowing, the characters fully introduced, and the stakes set, it's clear that this is a decent upgrade.

I think the thing that holds this back from being even higher for me is Bartz. He's a solid character, but as far as FF protagonists go, he's one of the weaker ones for me (which isn't a giant insult, most of the ones I adore have some of the best protagnoists I've played in games). The rest of the cast is great though, with Galuf being a huge stand out, and Gilgamesh perhaps going from a character I couldn't stand, to one I couldn't get enough of by the end of it, totally goated.

Overall though, this was a wonderful game, and while not quite as dire, and dark as some other FF entries (though with plenty of heart break, and tough moments) it's a great game, and worthy of more praise than it gets.

Interesting game here, and while I found myself oddly unsatisfied by the end of the game, I can't deny the game has a lot of charm, heart, and overall worth playing.

First of all, a huge shout out to the main Frog himself for gifting me this game, and getting this lovely game removed from my spite list. I had no idea this game was made by the creator of Phoenix Wright, so that was a cool little bonus I discovered going in.

First of all, what I love about this game is the style/the music/ the aesthetic and just the visuals in general. It's truly gorgeous. I have no idea if it looked that good on the DS, but this version looks and sounds genuinely great.

The story is fairly interesting most of the way too, it does take a little while to get cooking, but the "who am I" is always a good narrative hook, and there are plenty of interesting characters to keep you chugging along (inspector Cabanela might be the biggest giga chad I've encountered in a game in some damn time.)

Now all that being said, I am a little down on this for a couple of reasons. One, while I think the core gameplay loop was fun at first, it 100% dragged to me by the end, and was hoping for a better changeup/new mechanic than I got (the escort mission was certainly not it and a lowlight of the game for me).

More importantly though, I can't say I was a fan of the final twist/resolution. Without going into spoilers, it just really wasn't all that satisfying as a result. Certainly not enough to "ruin" the game or anything like that, but just a bit of a downer overall.

For the most part though, I had a good time with this game, and there's certainly a lot here to enjoy, even if I'm a bit more down on this compared to other people.

Long live Capgod tho, amirite?

First of all a very special thanks to a buddy of mine Moo for gifting me this game! As a fan of old school point and click adventure games, I figured I might vibe with this one, and I certainly did. It's a fun game, with a lot to like, although I do have some complaints that truly hold it back from being great to me.

The first half of this game, I was really really into it. The vibes were fantastic, the story was interesting and carried my attention, and there was a lot of cool stuff going on. I found closer to the end my attention slipping away a bit, the game turned into more of a Quick time event, story driven then just the pure point and click adventure goodness I so love. I really wish there was a way to speed up your walking speed in the game, as so many times it would me stumbling around trying to find the right place to go (a map also would have been quite useful)

The story by the end is touching, and is resolved well. Raya and Atma are very interesting and well made lead characters, but everyone else is mostly forgettable for me.

Overall, a solid experience and one I had a good time with despite my complaints. Worth playing for sure, especially if you're a fan of adventure games and want a little bit more of those in your life.

What a fantastic game, that truly is an underrated little gem, and something that has never been attempted again.

There's so many cool little things about this game, I could type about it for hours. It's not without its issues which I'll get too, but the positives totally outweigh the negatives here.

First of all the atmosphere is great, the story is interesting, and the fact that you play as 11 different characters is super unique and cool. Each characters section plays a little bit different, and you're always left with something fresh in this 10+ hour game. This unfortunately leads me to one of my biggest complaints, as cool as the story is, the voice acting is god awful. Which shouldn't be a surprise for 2002, but it's super campy and 100% takes me out of the game which is unfortunate for such a great game otherwise.

The sanity meter is the star of the show here, and although it becomes really easy to raise it back up late game, you almost don't want too to see what twisted stuff they throw at you, and I never had stuff repeat on my playthrough either. Such an original awesome idea for a horror game, that's truly wild no one else has tried.

The map in this game sucks, another one of my big complaints, its practically useless, but otherwise the gameplay holds up pretty darn well. It's got a little jank to it but all things considered, I think it plays pretty darn good.

This is just such an awesome game, and one of the better horror games I've played in sometime. If you want something truly unique, you could do much much worse than Eternal Darkness. What a BANGER.

I knew playing this game after playing FFV would have a negative impact, and it did to an extent, but I did end up enjoying this game, probably even a little more than I thought I would.

Clearly a prototype for FFV in almost every way (from the job system and combat/ to the story and characters) it was clear that they were starting to get on the right path but not quite there yet. Still there's plenty to enjoy here. Even though the job system can't compare with V, it's still fun and I'd take it over whatever the heck that was in II. They do attempt a story here, and while it's basic, it's an improvement over FF1. Cid is back, and is a goat as always.

The music might be the least memorable for me out of any FF game I've played yet so that's a bummer.

There are a couple of frustrating sections in the game (the splitting up enemies can eat my fucking ass), but overall it's a fun game, and I'm glad I played it.

I'm really excited to get into IV and VI next, as I hear these are the games. It'll be interesting to see how they hold up.

Ho boy. When i say this is the most important game of all time to me, and perhaps one of the greatest, I truly mean it.

Metal Gear Solid is a love letter to gaming for me. I can still remember playing this game late at night, sneaking up past my bed time to get a little time in on the old Playstation 1. The way this game made you think out of the box with some of its creative puzzles and boss fights, it's a level of creativity that is still unmatched today and only could have been done by someone like Kojima.

The story is of course tremendous, with fantastic voice acting, character work.

The boss fights are iconic.

This game still holds up incredibly well, and I'll be honest, if you don't think it does, that's a you problem, not this games problem. A true masterpiece in every sense of the word. Godbless Metal Gear.

Big takeaway from this one: Cue the Danny Devito gif, but oh my god. I get it.

When I first saw the trailer for this game I kind of enjoyed it in a memish sort of way, but didn't ever really expect to grab it on day one. However the more I saw from it, and kinda just being annoyed over the unfair attacks and shit being taken out of this game, I decided to give it a shot day one, as, despite a slightly unsettling art style at first, it did look gorgeously drawn/animated, and I'm a fan of story based "vn" style of games like this, and honestly I'm glad I did.

The game is really if Life is Strange was about Dinosaurs, and had the extra teenage anxiety of the world ending soon. Yes, there is some cringe dialogue at times, and not everything works for me here from a story perspective (I wish the ending was a smidge more impactful) but I still had a good time overall.

All of the characters were mostly enjoyable, and it was fun getting to know them. I do wish some of the game didn't feel quite so "budget". The animations at time kind of cut off awkwardly. The voice acting is hit or miss, with some of it being really good, but then some lines randomly getting cut off early that would break the immersion for me. It's clear this probably could have used a little more time in the oven/more budget.

Overall though, I'm glad I got it and was able to support a small studios vision. If you can get past the slightly off putting character design (which will be a hurdle for some people) there's a great story to be had here.

Oh baby what a rush.

This game is excellent. Easily one of the best action games I've ever played, a crowning achievement for this series, and one of the best non resident evil games I've played from Capcom. Just a tremendous game all around.

The story is interesting, fun, and the best story in the entire series. The combat is peak here, as it offers so many different playstyles and ways to have fun. The music is awesome, Devil Trigger is an instant classic. You can tell they went all out with this one, I'm sure Capcom didn't know if they were going to be able to make another one, but this game sold so well (and the capcom comeback so strong) that I'd be stunned now if there isn't a DMC 6 at some point.

My complaints of this game are very very few and minor. I wish it was a smidge longer, and I wish some of the side characters (particularly the lovely ladies) got involved a bit more in the story and were more present, but otherwise, this is a tremendous game and one of the best of 2019. Fantastic stuff.

So going into this game, this is probably the Metal Gear I was least nostalgic for/excited to replay. I do love all these games, so much, but for whatever reason MGS 2 doesn't have that same pull for me, despite being an obviously incredible game. After my replay, I can't say too much has changed, but it's clear that this is still an utter masterpiece.

The story is so so far ahead of it's time here, and that's been talked about to death. The early twist in this game is one of the best ever done, and it still makes me mad how upset "gamers" got about it (and would again get angry later in TLOU2 over it. Gamers do NOT like being fooled)

Raiden is awesome, Snake is awesome, all the characters are so great. The soundtrack in this game is phenomenal just heater after heater.

So what makes this not a 5/5 for me unlike the other MGS games (besides V?). I think for me, the only thing holding me back here is a couple of things. My nostalgia for some of the other games plays a huge part, but I also feel like the setting is one of the weakest in the series. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's still very good, but compared to shadow Moses and the jungle, I just enjoy this setting a little less, and that's really the only knock I have on this masterpiece of a game otherwise.

Kojima is a creator who is much discussed, but MGS has made him the GOAT. God I fucking love these games.

First of all I'd like to thank my buddy Mokey for generously gifting me this game so I could finally play it. Truth be told I HAD tried around an hour of this on game pass, when it first came out, but it wasn't hitting at that time, so I decided to shelve and I am glad I came back and got a chance to complete this really interesting unique game.

First of all, if we're scoring on vibes this game is a 10/10. Just wonderful vibes, insanely spooky feeling, some great tension and atmosphere, and a killer soundtrack (I love me some classical music, and this game filled that love for me hard.)

I think the story is very interesting, and I won't fully to pretend to understand it (even after looking some stuff up). It's not my favorite, but I really do appreciate them not spoon feeding you everything and letting you kind of discover things for yourself here and make your own assumptions.

I have a couple of pretty big complaints about the game. I think the gameplay itself is just fine at best, and really annoying at others. Aiming just never seemed to consistently go where I wanted it too, where in a survival horror game you really need to make every shot count.

I also really hate the incredibly limited inventory system. I'm not wanting 20 slots or anything to make it trival, but an upgrade to go from 6 to 8 would have gone a LONG way at some point in this game (I'm fine making tough choices, but there's a lot of time that the game just became me entering a room, picking up items, running back to a save room and then progressing).

Finally, there's a section later in the game that is downright rage inducing, making it difficult to travel around, and some rooms that are just filled with an insane amount of enemies. There's already enough tension in the game, this pulled it to far.

I do wish they game had a bit of a bigger budget, I think there's a really special idea here, that if a bit more money could have been put into this you could have ended up with something TRULY special. That being said, I still really enjoyed my time with it overall, and it's cool to see some unique fresh survival horror out there. Definitely check it out if that seems appealing.

As someone who has never quite conneceted with BGS games, I might not be the intended audience for this game, in a good way. This certainly is different then what Bethesda has done in the past.

This game feels like Mass Effect and Deus ex had a baby, and I'm all here for that. The immersive sim stuff is great, this feels like a true role playing game, I truly felt like my character (a beautiful man if I do say so myself). Which is really nice considering other RPGS recently like Cyberpunk and FFXVI (which I both really liked) I did not feel like the main character, but more that I was watching a really good story unfold.

I do have a lot of minor complaints about the game. Some of the stuff near the very end of the game is rather frustrating. I wish the game had a map. It takes a couple hours to fully get cooking. But what's here is pretty magical and pretty damn awesome.

The main storyline is so interesting, and a fascinating concept all the way to the end, that really needs to be seen to believed what they cooked up.

The gunplay felt good here, much better than fallout (see ya vats rest in piss) and the different amount of loot you got, I always felt like keeping my eyes open for a better reward which was great compared to some games earlier in the year (looking at you hogwarts legacy).

Overall just a fantastic experience, and a game that truly feels like an honest to god roleplaying game, one where I got to live out my dreams of being a space cowboy. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of this awesome universe.

Big takeaway from this one: People don't realize you can run past enemies in JRPG's apparently.

Big takeaway from this one: Claude has a good poker face.