Never felt so horrified of virtual creatures nor laughed so much at my friends dying so much. Definetly one of the games ever made.

A bit of a short game that you can beat in about 2 to 3 hours but such an innovation for the entire puzzle genre. All the rooms are so fun and has such a cool little story that's just there to kinda justify the puzzles in general, being amplified in the second game but just a nod to its existence here. It's aways cheap on steam and short but great so anyone should play it.

Just wished it was a bit more of a simpler game but I do still like to pick it up to play again a bit after some time. Not much to say but I guess that's it.

Never went through so much stress with my friends screaming at me for being bad at car football 😃

Really short but kinda sad and melancholic game but a great masterpiece of storytelling I'd say. Obviously simple controls but for a game like this it just didn't need that much. Such a great story of a family to experience it's worth trying.

My first entry into dark souls because I heard throught some friends that you should start by the either the first or the second game. Because I heard that this was the "worst" one I thought to start by it so I could experience bottom-to-top. Well, if this is what the worst of the franchise brought, I'm excited to see what more I should expect form "amazingness" from these games. The dlcs definitely were the best parts but the normal game couldn't be better still. There are a lot of areas I still did not see even though I just beat the game so I expect to go back and at least do all the endings, therefore I'd just say PRAISE THE SUN!

One of the best stealth games I'd played with one of the best narratives id seen in a videogame, despite being a simple kidnapping one in the start, it involves its moral systems to develop the narrative according to your mistakes and actions in Dunwall masterfully. Both of the story dlcs also tell a awesome story that was unfortunately a bit dismantled by the sequel, but they still get it as beautifully as the normal game.

It's a soulslike game technically like any other, with its dark souls like dodges, it's sekiro like parries and bloodborne like setting but it still combines all of that into a mixture of perfect balance between everything, the only not bad but unfortunate part was that there weren't any diverging or "open" paths, it's very linear and easy to predict it's direction but it also utilizes this very well so it doesn't need to create bosses to acomodate diferrent experiences because the most deferring between players will be it's strength and dex builds. It's one of the most challenging games I played but still one of the best and one I'd recommend so much to everyone.

I don't really think this games needs that much introduction to why it's so good by being a mark on the Metroidvania genre. Despite that, I'd like to give my review because it's such a marvelous title. I'm not even near full completion but I've beaten it once and can say basically all about it was perfect: it's platforming, simple but deep combat, amazing story. A must play.

This was such an amazing game and such an incredible first dive for Fromsoft games for me. I'd played other soulslikes before, like Wo Long and Lies of P but this was the first Fromsoft game I played, beat and 100%ed. Such a fulfilling and marvelous game I'd recommend to anyone despite its difficulty spikes in some areas that really was not that fun for my first time around, but with NG+ it becomes so perfect in its total.