My favorite game of all time. The gameplay is somethin' else, the setting grips me like nothing else, and the music is so, so beautiful. I was originally going to just gush about this game but I'll keep it to the point: PLAY THIS GAME! I believe this to be not only the best thing to come out of From Software, but also the best thing to come out of gaming as a whole. Bloodborne succeeds as a game and a work of art with flying colors.

Bloodborne is a 10/10, but not just a regular old 10/10. It is a big, fat, bold printed, golden, shining 10/10. A 10/10 so big it puts Olympus Mons to shame.

So yeah, good game I guess.

EDIT: Not my favorite game ever, but an amazingly close second.

EDIT 2: Not even that close of a second, I lied. Sorry.

An absolutely phenomenal JRPG with incredibly fun, unique, and pretty addictive gameplay and a wonderfully written story that deals with dark and mature themes from whether authority or freedom is more important for humans, to existentialism, nihilism, and the true value of humanity. I couldn't do the story justice in a written review, all I can tell you is to play the game. Also, this game's soundtrack is some of the greatest shit I have ever heard in a game. Ryota Kozuka nailed it.

Overall, amazing game. Such a shame that SMTIV Apocalypse is garbage lmao

My fucking childhood game. It's prolly not even that good but fuck you, Venom is awesome and the game has a surprisingly good story.

Edit: Replayed it recently, it's as good as I remember it.

What a MASSIVE step backwards from the original SMT IV.

First off, I'll give credit where credit is due. My main man Ryota Kozuka is the composer for Apocalypse and he's still pushing out quality music. Unfortunately, that's where my praise ends for this game.

Apocalypse is a worthless game, it serves zero purpose to the Megami Tensei franchise other than to take a fat doodoo shit on it. Even worse, it has to be a continuation of my favorite game in the franchise. The world in this game is soulless and boring, and the cast ranges from below average to some of the most annoying shit ever. Dagda, Asahi, Nozomi, Gaston, Hallelujah, Toki, all of these characters are absolutely terrible and I just cannot form any kind of connection to them. In fact, I was struggling to remember who the fuck Hallelujah even was while I was writing this, and he's a fucking PARTY MEMBER! And don't get me started on how the returning characters from SMT IV are written to be the least interesting scumfuck losers on planet Earth.

And the gameplay, while not awful, is so much worse than SMT IV's. Is it more balanced than SMT IV? I guess, although it feels less like real balance and more like nerfing attacks or buffing the FUCK outta enemies' healthbars (like my God, everyone has so much health) but it's not as fun as SMT IV's combat.

I won't go into any further detail about why I hate this game cuz I don't got all day to bitch about this game, so I'll leave it at this: Fuck this game. Fuck this game so hard.

It's the best and worst game.

Really good game but I don't really enjoy it. I dunno why I dislike it but I just do. Still, I'll give it 1.5 stars cuz I think this is a well made game.

Also the game ain't that hard, stop weeping and sobbing.

For as long as I've known about this game, I have had a genuine, paralyzing fear of making something like this. Something so fucking far up its own ass in an attempt to sound smart. I do have some level of respect for this game solely because yeah, it's self-expression and the fact that this even exists and continues to be updated is astounding to me. However, this ranks as one of the most shallow, frustrating, pseudo-intellectual video games that I've ever had the displeasure of playing. The story feels so nonexistent, all of the characters are so unlikable and I never feel anything for them other than contempt. Even fucking Alex, the guy designed to be unlikable and slowly matures, feels unlikable regardless of where he is within his character arc. Some of the music is pretty good, but some of it kinda blows. The art looks nice, but the character and enemy designs are uninspired. The voice acting is.... listen man, I love Yuriofwind, I used to watch Bullshit Creepypasta Story Time, and unlike most, I do genuinely think he can voice act. But not here, not as Rory, no fucking shot.

And it's kinda funny, despite my hatred for this game I don't really think I want this game to change but be refined. Yeah it provides everything you should probably not do as an artist, but it's very clearly a passion project of sorts. Not to mention like any malleable piece of work, it has the potential to be worth my time! I can like this game, hell like I already said I respect this game.

I hope Ackk Studios never give up their artistic endeavors. I know some people can go far with the YIIK hatred, but I don't wanna be that typa loser that thinks that YIIK nor its devs have absolutely nothing to offer. They do, and I hope one day they create something better than this.

Garbage game, but it's fucking hilarious playing it around friends so three stars.

Pretty solid game. While the base version of Persona 4 may be my FAVORITE Persona game, Eternal Punishment is, in my eyes, the BEST one.

Bro, this game is the SICKEST shit, I love it. Great and gloriously violent gameplay, a shallow but still somewhat enjoyable story, and that classic Platinum Games brand of over-the-top insanity at every turn. Like c'mon dude, what other game has you sticking stop signs through a dude's skull and then impaling him on a massive spike wall, all the while two twisted ass commentators talk about how awesome you are at killing random jobbers?

It's such a shame that this game doesn't get the recognition it deserves. At least the godlike soundtrack is actually kinda recognized.

This game kinda sucks but I still really like it. I would say it's cuz of nostalgia but even now I get a lotta enjoyment outta Brawl.

The real worst Smash game.

Rest in Peace to Hidehito Aoki, one of the greatest and most underrated composers in gaming.

Fuck whoever made the UI, fuck Meguro for composing this terrible ost, and fuck anyone who says it's better than the original P1.

If you aren't accustomed to Suda51's way of presenting his games and his way of storytelling, then this game probably isn't for you. Take away the Suda charm, and this is a boring walking simulator with dumb puzzles and weird characters. But to those that enjoy Suda, this is, in my opinion, one of the best narratives that Suda has ever written. Still, the walking is paaaaaaaiiiiinffffffuuuullllll.