I can totally see the many flaws this game has.

However, it was once my favorite RE and it holds a special place in my heart, for sure.

The most tolerable of Quantic Dreams' games.

Batshit insane story, necrophilia and you fighting a superman style battle against a physical incarnation of the Internet.

Fuck this company, god damn

It's very mid, far inferior to Doom 2016 and it has the second worst shotgun in any game I've ever seen.

Still, it has a cool atmosphere in a lot of ways, but it can get quite boring after a while.

Where to begin?

A pathetic rethread of the Civil Rights movement in the USA, but with robits instead.

Fuck Quantic Dream, what a shitty company that makes shitty self aggrandizing crappy games.

Just great.

Amazing Metroid game that took chances and became one of the best Gamecube titles.

Still good to this day.

Surprisingly good, infinitely better than the last game. This is how you make a sequel.

Sadly, some parts go on for a bit too long, but not enough to spoil it.

Revolutionarily important.

Mediocre today.

The game improves on the overall gameplay feel.

However, the enemies are mostly awful, very little variety and they reskin enemies often, just changing the kind of damage they do.

The penultimate boss has a huge difficulty spike that comes out of nowhere and the unskippable cutscene drains the fun out of the game at that point.

Just an amazing game, super fun.

The only downside is the sometimes confusing level layout.

Unfortunately shows it's age a bit, but it still has one of the greatest stories ever made for a videogame.

There's no other game out there which has a world so deeply connected to it's protagonist's mind and motivations, fears and desires.

Should be experienced by any so called gamer out there.

Probably the best stealth game ever made, simply brilliant.

It's a very competent and interesting metroidvania.

Sadly, it's far too short and has some weird sexualization mixed in for no reason at all

Ah, the good old days of shitty PS2 third person shooters... What a time to be alive that was.

This one? Pure shit and it will be completely forgotten in time once the poor souls who've played it die out.

The game is fine.... It improved on some issues I had with BotW, but somehow feels like a lesser game all the same. It has nowhere near the level of exploration that its predecessor had, which to me was what I liked the most.

I can't help but feel that this game is very overrated, just because of the Zelda name.

Really good game with a cute story that took unexpected turns at times.

Too bad they were too cowardly to make the main gay paring apparent.

Still, great gay story, you just have to look for it.