When this game released, it was the ultimate kart racer. While the premier kart racer of the time, Mario Kart 64, has shown its age with time, I would argue Crash Team Racing holds up completely. The gameplay supersedes Mario Kart 64's in nearly every way. With its single player campaign, multitudes of content for a kart racer of its day, and engaging gameplay that even nowadays Mario Kart struggles to match, this classic kart-racer demands to be given a play through and it is well worth it.

One of the most influential first-person shooters that does a remarkable job of storytelling and atmosphere unseen in the genre before this game's release. An essentially perfect game that set up an essentially perfect sequel.

No amount of jank, glitches, or poor voice acting will make me not love this game. Still the best form of Sonic gameplay to this day, and mixing it up with the amount of different character only adds to keeping any gameplay style from feeling stale. Sonic had an excellent transition to 3D, not a rough one.

The best gameplay of any 3D platformer to date. Even by the standards of Super Mario, this game stands out for its creative settings, engaging, high skill-gap gameplay, and content.

Severely overhated version of Minecraft. While this version of Minecraft is significantly outdated content-wise in comparison to the modern Bedrock and Java versions, Minecraft for NN3DS is charming when seen as a look into the past of Minecraft. It's cozy to me in a way no other version of Minecraft is. The circle pad and c-stick combo for controlling the camera and movement is perfectly adequate and only took a few minutes to get used to. I won't fault anyone for not preferring it, I'm in the same boat, but this version of Minecraft is great just like Minecraft was back in the day. The only reason I won't give this version five-stars like I have with Minecraft Bedrock and Minecraft Java is that there are undeniable limitations because of the hardware this version is on, however it is the same old Minecraft I have always loved.

A masterclass in creating horror through gameplay and atmosphere. Quite simply the best horror experience I have ever had, and no other Resident Evil title has instilled the same fear in me as this game.

Jet Set Radio is an underrated gem of a game. The gameplay, aesthetic, and music are so incredibly unique and of their time you just can't help but enjoy yourself with just how 90s this game is. That is not to say this game is all about the aesthetic, the gameplay is highly engaging and takes a good while to master but when you do there are few games as satisfying to control.

The ultimate Mario Kart experience. Largest and best track selection, best gameplay, most content, and best aesthetics. What more could you ask for?

I would like to preface everything I say with the fact that I spent over 200 hours in this game. This game is heavily flawed, but at a base level, Animal Crossing's gameplay loop is incredible. I love this game, but I would have sunk even more hours into it if the game was content-complete on release. I also find myself giving up on my island once I am given free-reign to reconstruct the island however I please, it's overwhelming for me. That is certainly a personal issue though, as I love the addition of terraforming for the wonderful islands others have been able to create with it.

An awe-inspiring game with gameplay unmatched by any other game release as far as I'm concerned, even over Breath of the Wild. The amount of exploration and content available in this game are unmatched when combined with the gameplay loops created for this game.

The best all around Call of Duty experience there is. No WW2 shooter has come close to this game since its release in 2008. The campaign of this game is the most atmospheric, brutal, and realistic depiction of WW2 Call of Duty has ever attempted. The atmosphere to this game can be very unsettling, especially when taking in the ambience. The multiplayer is also quite fun, though a tad unbalanced as the MP40 is undoubtedly the best weapon. Now for the biggest addition of this game: Zombies. World at War Zombies is the best version of the mode to this very day, only rivaled by Black Ops 1 Zombies. All around, this is the best package in Call of Duty history.

Katamari Damacy Reroll is an incredible and faithful remaster and port of the original PS2 game. The series' unique gameplay, aesthetics, humor, and music make this game an instant classic. There are few games as satisfying to play as this.

Perhaps the best RPG ever made. The combination of the excellent Fallout gameplay loop with the massive leap in player choice in the various quests of the game including the main storyline, the leveling system, and the classes of character you can create are unmatched in any other RPG of its scope. The setting is excellent, the characters are memorable and iconic, and the story and lore is engaging. I could go on and on about all the details I loved about this game, but I'll end this by saying this game is incredible, and anyone would be doing themselves a service to play this game if they haven't yet.

The ultimate collection of some of the most important and exciting first-person shooter games out there.

Loved this as a kid, plenty of fun mini-games to play and I always loved anything that took place on Wuhu Island. However, there is no game I have ever played that has caused more unhealthy thoughts about my body image. At the age I was it was not good for me to be constantly logging on and checking my BMI, weight, and age estimate. So while I have many good memories, I also have plenty regarding my weight and body image which is something no game should be capable of.