Enjoyed this game way more than I probably should have for how simplistic everything about it is. However, I found myself playing this game for multiple hours trying to see how far I could because of how easy I found the game. I'm usually quite terrible at fighting games like these, but this one I was able to just keep going and going until I finally got too tired to keep going.

An absolutely game-changing Legend of Zelda release that has had a bigger impact on the gaming industry than any other Zelda release since Ocarina of Time. The sense of exploration and atmosphere created by this game is unmatched even by its sequel, Tears of the Kingdom.

The most influential home-console first-person shooter ever created. Almost every first-person shooter released on a home-console can trace its roots back to this game with a campaign and splitscreen multiplayer, atmosphere and story, and even control scheme and two-weapon gameplay scheme, all staples of the genre on console.

For being the follow up to Ocarina of Time and its sequel Majora's Mask, the Windwaker had massive boots to fill. Thankfully, the team behind The Legend of Zelda The Windwaker and its HD remaster did just that. The sense of adventure in this game is so unique for a game of its time, let alone a Zelda game, and the more cartoon-y aesthetic of the game complement the less serious and jovial tone of this game excellently.

Loved this as a kid, plenty of fun mini-games to play and I always loved anything that took place on Wuhu Island. However, there is no game I have ever played that has caused more unhealthy thoughts about my body image. At the age I was it was not good for me to be constantly logging on and checking my BMI, weight, and age estimate. So while I have many good memories, I also have plenty regarding my weight and body image which is something no game should be capable of.

What has been said about this game that hasn't already? From start to finished I was amazed with how consistently creative the developers of this game were in the creation of this game's world, level design, and gameplay mechanics. This was an absolute joy to complete, bringing me to excitement about the future of 2D Mario for the first time since the disapppointing releases of NSMBU and NMSB2.

A game I originally started playing just to see what it was on the SNES NSO App and ended up being intrigued by the setting and aesthetic of the game. I usually don't like action platformers, but this game kept me engaged through most of it. The game is mostly held back by a difficulty spike in the latter half of the game and its overreliance on maintaining your most powerful power up to keep the difficulty reasonable. Otherwise, definitely the most enjoyable action platformer I have played.