Games With "Campfires"

"Campfires" are a term I like to use for places in games where the player is allowed just kind of... chill out for a second. Particularly areas that you find in the midst of prominent gameplay. Not like shops or hub worlds but mini break areas you find as you play. Named after campfires from the souls games. I haven't really played any souls game though so you'll be seeing other games instead. This isn't going to be a super extensive list. Moreso just examples that I'm familiar with. And if this topic interests you, let's talk about it on discord!

Celeste is a game that is VERY fast paced. Constantly throwing yourself at challenges over and over. So the only place you'd ever find yourself slowing down is when the story takes focus. As you progress it becomes more and more present, but at the start, you're only real source of calm and friendliness is Theo. Theo sits at campfires throughout the first couple levels and you're free to stop and talk with him for a while. These discussions aren't required but they are a very nice break from the hectic gameplay and offer some great characterization for Madeline and Theo. Half of a later level is taken up entirely by a long talk between the two and ends with Theo taking a wholesome selfie with him and Madeline smiling together.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
You can create campfires in this game where ever you are and pass time as long as no monsters are around. Botw is already a pretty relaxed game when you're just exploring so these aren't a super necessary break. However you can use them to cook for a while. And cooking pots serve basically the same purpose however they are usually only found in populated areas.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Campfires work the exact same as they do in Botw obviously. However, in this game, if you cook at the pots you can hear Link humming various iconic Zelda songs while the food cooks. Its not a huge addition but it is very cool.
Terraria campfires are just placeable objects that provide a bit of faster regeneration. You can't sit at them or interact in many ways however you can use them to cook marshmallows.
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Palaces are filled with small rooms that Shadows can't be find in called Saferooms. While here the player is free to save,use special items to heal, and talk with the party to get an idea on their progress and how much longer the team can manage to keep going. They also serve as fast travel points so whenever I find them I like to warp back to the entrace to fuse new Personas from the shadows I had claimed prior. These rooms are pivotal in a game that is always trying to be a vibe. These rooms offer a greatly needed break.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
All across the world are rest spots. They take many forms, ranging from break areas provided by Colonies the party liberates or small campsites the team set up throughout their journey, or abandoned Ferronises left behind by the armies. While here the party can cook, craft gems, use bonus exp to level up the party, wash thier clothes and discuss various findings on thier journey, usually giving the player a new side quest. While here you can see various clips of the party interacting with eachother.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
There are benches found across Midgard. Sitting at one will fully restore the Party. There's usually also a jukebox right by the bench playing a jazzy cover of an iconic FF song that you can buy and play at other jukeboxes you find as you play.
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
Every level ends with Shovel Knight resting in front of a campfire. Sometimes Shovel Knight will begin to dream about Shield Knight falling and having to catch her while also fending off monsters (who drop a ton of money). Idk if theres any penalty for missing her though. When you wake up the next morning you're able to dig up whats left of the fire to get some extra treasure (as well as an achievement).
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country
This was the first Xenoblade game to include the rest areas and I forgot to mention this with XB3 but these places are just crazy vibes. Everything stops and the party just sits and watches the fire. Everyone has a certain item they can craft that calls back to thier character. For example, Jin can cook various meals, Haze can make charms for the party, and Mythra creates monstrosities. As you play the party will gain new inspirations for items to craft. These breaks add a lot. Torna is a very dire game and the party is well aware of this so it's nice to seem them taking some time to relax.
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
Throughout Hallownest, are benches that the player can sit at. While her the map will fill in places that you had been to previously as well as allowing the player to swap around badges. They also serve as checkpoints so if the player dies they'll respawn here. Like Celeste, Hollow Knight is a very hectic game so these quick breaks are very nice moments of levity.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
They bring back the rest spots from base game obviously and nothing really changes here. However in one of the background interactions, you can see Matthew getting smacked by A for being a goofball.


6 days ago

Isaac Rebirth; Nightmares

2 days ago

Great list! But no dark souls?

2 days ago

@franz64 I never played it. Or any other souls game really...

2 days ago

@Alexcicle lol don’t worry, they’re not for everybody!

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