17 reviews liked by AlexxX

Chegou de repente, sem nenhuma grande campanha por trás, e entregou uma experiência cheia de personalidade e que transborda paixão.

Isso aqui é a prova de que quando um jogo é feito com carinho e dedicação, por aqueles que realmente entendem o que é video game e o seu maior propósito, o resultado dificilmente não será um sucesso instantaneo.

Obrigado a todos os envolvidos.

"Ah, mas a Ubisoft isso, Ubisoft aquilo". Irmão, a Ubisoft tem Rayman Legends, isso basta.

Aí é foda, meus consagrados.

Those who see art as a shortcut to prestige have a very distorted idea of ​​what is "prestigious" - Look Kojima, creating spiritual connections through eschatology, total genius -, And few of this horrible ilk exist like Neil druckmann or conrad roset. Guys who use the medium of video games as a platform to satisfy their hunger for prominence and recognition. and incidentally, along the way, dividing in a problematic way the reception and conception of "arthouse" and pop games

I'm not going to blame them for Little Nightmares being read as an empty and morbid trip, because before that there was Playdead with his Limbo.
Neither of the obsession with the tone and fixation with photorealism without a plastic sense more typical than seeing the pores of Nathan Drake's skin, but, God, how I would like a timeline in which Roset and Druckmann are considered the worst in a way unanimous. Because they may not be the worst in general in the horror pile, but their popularity exposes the sad reality that some are interested in video games being validated by those who do not appreciate them in all their aspects, and those who need them to carry an HBO series cosplay or Milanese exhibition box
the idea of ​​how necessary any author was -beyond programmers- in videogames came to me for the first time playing Dragon Quarter "the shape of this game does not seem to be the product of chance or trends" said little Ardu at one time where he assumed that experimentation was the standard and the methodology to follow, the correct choice. Poor ignorant little Ardu.

In 2013 Little Ardu also said: "In the same year as Attack of the friday monsters, Drakengard 3, TW101, Proteus and Resogun... There is The Last of Us, this game that has enchanted me for its solidity and surprising humanity ( little Ardu didn't see that coming) but it's also the pinnacle of the formally conservative tv prestige show wannabe game type, which seems to be the way forward for pop games. mmmm maybe it's not that bad either? I mean it has overlapped many games that I consider better, but that always happens to me haha ​​if one day justice will be done, but meanwhile, if the AAA are like that, maybe we will advance something "

Poor ignorant little Ardu.

Essa média é reveladora, o gamer atual está precisando fazer amigos. Impossível não se divertir jogando isso em grupo.

FromSoftware, dificuldade? Nunca jogou um NGB...

Muito estilo mas pouca substância. Visualmente é bonitinho, mas todo o resto é medíocre.

Turnip Boy is an easy 1000G if you're a gamerscore Hunter with Game Pass, and that alone will be enough to convince some folk to play it.

If you're not a big achievement Hunter though, it's absolutely worth the sub-5 hour playtime and has a nice take on dungeon crawling and a very 2D Zelda style of level design, which is always a nice thing to see.

The memes and the general sense of humour probably aren't for everybody, especially if you have a low tolerance for pop-culture references. The entire climax of the game is a parody of a super robot anime and while I appreciated it, I can very easily see other people rolling their eyes at it.

Another game that I consider a good "pitch" for Game Pass, because I'd certainly have never tried it if it weren't on the service, and now I have, I'm pleasantly surprised.

My Mount Rushmore of TV is The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire and Deadwood, so As Dusk Falls was right up my alley. I am also obviously biased, but the xCloud implementation was top notch.