I have a huge crush on Bigby. Can’t wait for season 2!

I was enraged. But the game is nice

The game is funny and the Ukrainian voice acting is cool. It lacked smoother animations and less vibrant colors, in my opinion. And yes - tutorials. I spent so much time figuring out how to play with the main game mechanic.

Scary. The game is cool but damn it’s scary.

A game for that type of people who want to have home plants but they always somehow die.

Great game, very atmospheric and cozy. I had some bugs but they were not critical.

The game is not that bad, it’s just not the genre I like. And god forbid you to play with russians.

Nice game to play with your friend. I enjoyed it.

The game was nice and cozy in the beginning but closer to the end I started hating it


This is what I’m going to do after my retirement

The game is really funny but for some reason I can’t play it a lot. I don’t know why, maybe it’s too repetitive and grindy (though the grind is a main mechanic of the game) but it is very funny to play with friends.