Now look, I'm a giant Batman fan. And I especially adore the Arkham games. But I'm sorry, i could only play this game for 30 minutes until i get immensely bored. The batmobile is incredibly boring and i would probably play the game more if i didn't feel like i was forced to use the batmobile in every level. God what a wasted potential. Everyone always wanted the batmobile in the Arkham games. But not like this. It feels like a chore to play. The fights feel too easy too, especially the predator stuff. The tank battles puts the entire story on a hault and jusst ruins the entire flow of the game. Actually now thinking about it, the Batmobile feels more like an afterthought. Like they made the game and was like "oh shit we forgot the batmobile. Lets find some way to cram it into the story and make the game no fun at all." The story is okay but couldn't hold my interest enough to sit through the batmobile bullshit again. The only thing going for it are the graphics are absolutely gorgeous. What a let down.

This is a lot like five nights at freddys security breach