this is like utter mind numbing dogshit static story for a solid 10 hours and then it hits such a peak and it's like the best thing ever

this is like the best utilization of the video game medium in a story. some story moments are stupid but it's made up for by having amazing story moments

don't get me wrong this game is utter dogshit but it's bad in such a good way that i don't even care. unintentionally hilarious all the time with all the shitty qtes and the racism and misogyny, and of course the awful story. there are so many unforgettable moments.

it kinda sucks but it's fun at the same time

if getting to places before you're supposed to is something that appeals to you, give it a try

video game crack. sometimes i wonder to myself what about this game truly appeals to me this much, then i boot it up and i play it for 3 hours.

it's a classic for a reason. give it a try.

the artwork is amazing. the story is great. the time travel is some of the best in media, there's only one plot hole throughout the entire story me and my friends noticed, and we like nitpicking a whole lot.
the characters don't appear very good at first but once you warm up to them you realize they're all pretty good.
the story sure takes its time to finally rev up but once it does it's just non-stop greatness.

but of course, it's complicated.
the story is certainly good but in the visual novel it's sometimes told in such a tedious way. the main character will repeat the same pieces of information to you over and over and over throughout the entire game, like you've been skipping through everything. you could probably read the very last chapter of this game and gather what most of the plot is from how much information the main character repeats. then occasionally, one of the other characters will sit there explaining a whole bunch of science stuff at you for like 10 minutes.
there's also a whole bunch of weird shit. i won't spoil anything but there's a certain character where half the scenes are just really fucking uncomfortable to watch, in a bad way. there are also a whole bunch of other weird scenes, but i don't want to spoil anything.

final verdict? give it a try. if you can handle the anime bullshit it'll probably end up as one of your favourites.

it's a ddlc 2.0 sorta game. i think this game does it pretty much plainly better. gets into the meat of it right out of the way and has much more interaction (although to be fair ddlc is a visual novel..)

improves upon doom 2016's gameplay loop. i don't like the boss enemy with the shield they put in the levels though.


fun but gets kind of tedious at the end

genuinely no idea why i like this game. something just sucks me in.

the levels are alright. huge missed chance with the abilities honestly. most abilities aren't like fun general utility they're more like "use this when you see this thing". they made the grappling hook lame. they made the double jump lame. not sure how you manage to do that