i unfortunately didn't really like this game. i was bored throughout most of it and i'm pretty sure it's just not for me

super good puzzle-ish game with a unique experience you wont get anywhere else. play if you're a fan of stuff like outer wilds.
also the music goes surprisingly hard

a game which is difficult in a very unique but insanely good way. better combat than you will find in any other game and extremely satisfying level design

not really my thing but i still see how it's great

good artwork. dialogue is kind of tedious. i would probably like this game more if i was a sonic fan

only game that gets me actually terrified just walking down a street. try it. even if it doesn't seem like your thing, try it anyways just in case it might be

good game but it's not for me

schizophrenic level design that will make you feel like the smartest person alive. has also aged INSANELY well playability-wise for a 20 year old game

7 toddler puzzles with pornbait inbetween

this took a huge turn i was honestly not expecting in the slightest. unfortunately one section of the game is kind of tedious to play, although that's intentional i believe

fun puzzles with a great and genuinely funny story

weirdly enough i didn't hate this game as much as i thought i would. there is a lot of ironic enjoyment involved though


fun game to play but i do wish the puzzles were maybe a little harder to do. at the beginning they all feel incredibly daunting but they don't really scale up in difficulty at all and by the end everything feels super easy.

another thing is that i would also wish for the puzzles to be more "figure out the code to this door through clues" instead of "try to figure out where the code to this door is"

probably one of my favourite games ever. at every point the game felt like it was specifically tailored to me.
everyone will tell you the story is bad, and it is, but it's bad in a very self aware way, which i don't see very many people pointing out.