What I would consider Igavanias

Metroidvanias have dominated the indie market for a long time but for somebody like me ,who always preferred the vania part to the Metroid one, finding games that are reminiscent of Symphony of the Night is harder than it should. This list is an attempt at listing the ones that, in my eyes, do follow the Igavania design.

Igavanias need to have/be:
-2D nonlinear game progression
-Developed RPG systems (equipment, level ups, consumables, drops,...)
-Interesting and varied scenario and enemy design
-Extra mechanics (puzzles, attack and movement skills, shops, missions/secondary quests, secondary weapons, multiple endings...)

Some of the ones in this list are edge cases, some I haven't played or are not out yet.
Open to any feedback.

Classic ones
Edge cases
Haven't played yet
Not out yet


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