The first point&click of my life. Played way back in 1996.

It's kind of weird when you think about how out of the league it feels compared to your typical Sierra game. No dead-ends, an in-game hint system and logical puzzles. A family friendly adventure made by the man behind Leisure Suit Larry.

It's just too bad it's not anything amazing. It's a very low-key adventure game that you will want to play only after you beat up all the classics. And it has some very underused features like the 3D projections or the main character's companion.

For the French -

One of my top games of all times. So creative and engaging. I love it

For the French -

A natural continuation of the first one. I am amazed at how they managed to stay consistent despite the 16 years gap.

That being said I like the first one more. This one tried to go with a more mature story and I feel it didn't manage to live up to the stakes. Still very beautiful and Peter McConnell's music is great.

For the French -

I played this because I craved some AVP after watching Prey. I was familiar with Monolith's excellent AVP2 and hoped this would give me more or less the same vibes. Unfortunately the experience was mid.


It's not the masterpiece I thought it was going to be based on its reputation, but it's still fine nonetheless

For the French -

A great entry in a franchise that never disappointed me so far.

For the French I wrote the following

I haven't played a telltale game since the Walking Dead S1 mainly because it didn't look like I was missing much. Sadly, Tales from the Borderlands didn't change my mind.

Humor was not up my alley.

For the French -

This was a pleasant surprise overall.

Never thought I'd see a sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky. Much less a sequel which surpasses many Broken Sword entries on the technical and puzzle design level.

Animations could have used more work tough

The French review along with Beneath -

This is a fine addition to the series. It plays by rules we are familiar with, but it was one of the first to do so. It might not have the status of its predecessors or the praise of its successors, but it does what it does well.

For the French -

A game from my childhood. Cryptic with some puzzles but I do remember yelling when I saw Patrick Stewart in Star Trek TNG: "Hey! It's the guy on my Lands of Lore instruction manual!"

For the French -

This isn't as bad as the first Kyrandia game but it is disappointing nonetheless.

The pacing, which was one of the issues the second Kyrandia fixed, went back to being frustrating and tedious. The game is just mean with its riddles, and the very lately introduced RPG elements don't do much.

Nice closing credits though.

For the French I wrote a review -

The companion AI is dreadful and the bomb collecting mission is badly designed.

But I cannot hate this game. The social commentary behind it is amazing. The level design of the mall is great. The characters are charming. And the shopping makes me a slave to capitalism.

For the French -

An amazing experience. Despite the butchering of French names :p

French review -

Super kawai

But it didn't cure my arachnophobia. I couldn't even play with the spider wolf skin.

For the French -