This is a much better new rendering compared to the Special Edition of The Secret of Monkey Island. AND you can play with old graphics with voices.

I would have liked an honest-to-good performance of the Bone Song though.

For the French - I made a kind of retrospective here

A lot of Silent Hill. And very little else.

The food and sleep system were great. But the game cannot stop itself from reminding you that you are basically playing a certain horror franchise in 2D.

For the French -

It lives in the shadow of Broken Sword but it is nice nonetheless.

Short and sound is mediocre but it just feels....nice overall

French review with Beyond -

Not bad.

Very good in fact. Love me some cozy horror goodness.

For the French -

This was bad!

The labyrinth was a nightmare. The final area sucked. And some puzzles don't even have clues and just demand a tedious amount of time to get solved.

For the French I wrote a review -

I loved getting back to this.

My opinion hasn't changed much regarding what I like or dislike about each entry, except maybe for the third game who feels undercooked in some parts.

But I did have a good time

For The French -

This is an extremely ambitious game with a lot of replay value thanks to the early level capping.

Its originality comes from the setup. Early 19th Century steampunk meets D&D. Troika knew how to be inspiring.

It's just a shame the main story focuses more on the fantasy side, while the technological one is relegated to side quests.

It doesn't necessarily need a remake but it would be nice if some expert modders could delve into giving it more tweaks the same way they did with Vampires The Masquerade.

For the French -

This new special edition is a welcome return for a classic especially with the voice acting. Unfortunately the new graphics are kinda meh compared to the originals. Would have been nice if we could play with old graphics and voices without resorting to outside patches.

For the French - I made a kind of retrospective here

I really liked the underlying themes regarding the penitential system in the USA. Story and gameplay were also really satisfying.

My only issue is the lack of official support. Run into a nasty bug that forced me to track down a save file that was not in accordance with my in-game choices. Hopefully/maybe it will get resolved in the future.

My review for the French people (along with its sequel Ties That Bind)

Beautiful landscape. Very serene. Kind of short and moody game to play after 100 hours on an RPG.

For the French -

This is how you do stupid.
1) Short
2) Direct
3) No nagging the player every five minutes about how this is stupid

The monster's design certainly doesn't hurt.

For the French -

This was a tremendous improvement over the first game.

I would put this on par with some LucasArts. Zanthia is a great character.

It is geared towards the seasoned adventure game fan though. Some puzzles are quite challenging.

For the French I wrote a review -

Big disappointment.

This represents everything I hate about the mid-2000s—extremely linear, boring gameplay, two-weapons only system.

The story is consistent with the first Suffering game, but the gameplay keeps pushing it out of the way with its horrible pacing.

Too bad. This had potential.

My review for the French people (along with the first Suffering game)

The companion AI is dreadful and the bomb collecting mission is badly designed.

But I cannot hate this game. The social commentary behind it is amazing. The level design of the mall is great. The characters are charming. And the shopping makes me a slave to capitalism.

For the French -

This isn't as bad as the first Kyrandia game but it is disappointing nonetheless.

The pacing, which was one of the issues the second Kyrandia fixed, went back to being frustrating and tedious. The game is just mean with its riddles, and the very lately introduced RPG elements don't do much.

Nice closing credits though.

For the French I wrote a review -