It's not the masterpiece I thought it was going to be based on its reputation, but it's still fine nonetheless

For the French -

I loved getting back to this.

My opinion hasn't changed much regarding what I like or dislike about each entry, except maybe for the third game who feels undercooked in some parts.

But I did have a good time

For The French -

A natural continuation of the first one. I am amazed at how they managed to stay consistent despite the 16 years gap.

That being said I like the first one more. This one tried to go with a more mature story and I feel it didn't manage to live up to the stakes. Still very beautiful and Peter McConnell's music is great.

For the French -

One of my top games of all times. So creative and engaging. I love it

For the French -

The first point&click of my life. Played way back in 1996.

It's kind of weird when you think about how out of the league it feels compared to your typical Sierra game. No dead-ends, an in-game hint system and logical puzzles. A family friendly adventure made by the man behind Leisure Suit Larry.

It's just too bad it's not anything amazing. It's a very low-key adventure game that you will want to play only after you beat up all the classics. And it has some very underused features like the 3D projections or the main character's companion.

For the French -

An interesting experience, albeit too short. Replay value can only take it so far.

I also wish this strayed from the movie and tried to be its own thing. I did like the elements it took from the book, though.

For the French -

I guess most people who were expecting this were caught off guard by how well-made and faithful to the original this is.

I appreciate the effort, but I can't shake the feeling a lot of its faithfulness comes from a desire of just swimming against the current than an actual creative choice.

For the French -

My second time playing this and even though its gameplay is ancestral, I have a lot of respect for it. Despite the lackluster finale.

For the French -

A lot of Silent Hill. And very little else.

The food and sleep system were great. But the game cannot stop itself from reminding you that you are basically playing a certain horror franchise in 2D.

For the French -

This is how you do stupid.
1) Short
2) Direct
3) No nagging the player every five minutes about how this is stupid

The monster's design certainly doesn't hurt.

For the French -

I appreciate a game that gives some love to the 3D era of the PS1.

This tries to steal some of that David Lynch vibe. I'm not sure how much it succeeds but I like the effort

For the French -

Not bad.

Very good in fact. Love me some cozy horror goodness.

For the French -

Beautiful landscape. Very serene. Kind of short and moody game to play after 100 hours on an RPG.

For the French -

This is an extremely ambitious game with a lot of replay value thanks to the early level capping.

Its originality comes from the setup. Early 19th Century steampunk meets D&D. Troika knew how to be inspiring.

It's just a shame the main story focuses more on the fantasy side, while the technological one is relegated to side quests.

It doesn't necessarily need a remake but it would be nice if some expert modders could delve into giving it more tweaks the same way they did with Vampires The Masquerade.

For the French -