Great art, game me the fuzzy feelings. Most of the puzzles made a lot of sense and were really fun to complete, but some i really had no idea. Most important of all, cats :3

Gave up in the middle, I get the ideia, not a bad game, but also not good.
I've played better games with the same idea and overall vibe so it didn't catch me. Not to say only bad, or mediocre , things, it was pretty good walking around, just the perfect speed and snappiness to the controls, a bit buggy, specially in jumping to get to a higher area, but that was also fun.
Play if you like to complete stuff in a chill vibe.

Just as the title says, some kind words to help with whatever you need. Be some advice, just to need to burt out some stuff or a quick smile.
One of the kindest corners of the internet I've ever seen :)

No kidding, this game helped me a lot through some really hard times. The full and complete focus that it demands and how it completely overwhelmed my senses pulled out of some panic and anxiety attacks.
All that aside, the humor really got to me, it's so dumb and charming it completely got me out of nowhere and provided a much needed time to breath between hard as hell levels.
The music is outstanding, I first played it around 2014 and it's still a soundtrack I put on when I want some great hard electronic music.
Would recommend if you like some great electronic music, some dumb jokes and a lot of resets in a really hard platformer.
A tip for the people who don't like all the moaning (or don't have headphones at the time), you can turn it off in the PG mode.

I played the demo and then a bit of the main game, but not that much, had to return it to it's owner before I did much. The demo gave a pretty good representation of what I experienced in what I played of the game, it was fun and really good writing and characterization, but even knowing about the first game I was pretty lost.
Had fun tho, would keep playing if I had the chance.

Another masterpiece from Nintendo, what a surprise.
I don't think I have much to say that wasn't already said. It's fun to just run and goof around, it's fun to collect the moons, it's just a fun game all around, I'd gladly keep playing and coming back to it if I had it.

Enjoyed the little I got to play.
The righting was super on point, really laughed multiple times.
The battles were really fun to play and figure out how they were meant to be beaten. There were a lot of things to keep in mind while battling, but once you get the hang of it, it all felt natural and fun and powerful.
Wish I had more time with it in the end.

2362 Deaths
154 strawberries
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 tapes
1,2,3,4,5 blue hearts
1 red heart

9119 Deaths
all strawberries
all tapes
all blue hearts
1, 2 red heart

The ping system is the best online communications system I've seen in any multiplayer game. It can communicate everything you need in a match with complete strangers, truly an amazing innovation.
I started playing because of the ping system and how the characters were diverse and not sexualized(specially the woman), that was so refreshing and I still think it's a pretty good game in those aspects. The community was also ok, I played mostly in PS4 and mostly when it was released, so IDk how it's now.
The game play was so fun, the movement and combat, that I played Titanfall 2 just to get some more. It was fun.

What a funny game, really felt happy and chaotic while playing it.
The main game was quite easy, hmmm... maybe not easy but you can do everything just being chaotic but not really understanding the rules of the game, so I didn't feel like it was really complex as everyone says. I actually was a bit disappointed by it.
But then I did the "To do as well" and it was so much fun. Since I had already completed the whole game I grasped a bit how everything works and had to put many of those thing together so it was so fun, I also tried to purposely make everything more fun, not going for the obvious solutions but doing whatever made me feel like the most chaotic evil goose. It was really fun and worth it.
And then the "To do quickly", it was like the cherry on top. I heard some people say the game was somewhat of a stealth game, and that was when I really felt that. Before I could just go wild and run away and it was fine, but oh boi doing that was just impossible cuz it'd completely break the NPC cycle and they'd have to reset and that just wastes soo much time. So now was the moment I had to lean how to be a proper sneaky chaotic goose, and that was so fun. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be, it was just right, challenging but not frustratingly difficult, it really finished the game in a special way.
So basically for me, the main game was more like the prelude to an amazing experience, I'm really glad I stuck to it, and I think I did that mostly cuz the cuz it's so freaking fun just being that goose, how it walks, how it shakes its little tail as it walks and runs, doing my honks and causing chaos and mischief. Super recommend, this game was soooo fun.

This review contains spoilers

It was really fun! Not really challenging, and it got a bit repetitive by the end, that's why it got 3.5 stars not 4, but it was really charming and most important fun.
It's fun to play the game, to walk around and kill the monsters and talk to the villagers, everything you do while playing is so well made and so expertly crafted to be enjoyable and fun.
The art style is so charming, it's crazy how everything is like a toy but its subtle enough that it doesn't make the world feel fake. Now that I think about it, it perfectly fits with the story and how it actually is a dream and all.

This time I disable A BUNCH o thing in the UI, mainly the compass, and wow what a different experience, I actually have to look around and see stuff.
Ok the gameplay for this one is a lot more straight forward, with mostly puzzle vaults, and they are way harder, still easy, but good easy, like doable but challenging.

Played because I wanted more BoTW in my life, it kinda scratched that itch, but not completely. Fun gameplay and story, specially the dialog and characters.
Unfortunately it greatly suffered from a butt load of map markers, so instead of exploring the world I'd focus on completing the checklist. Don't get me wrong, the world is well designed and would deliver if properly explored, but Ubi didn't have the guts to trust players to do so themselves, kinda really screwing with my experience.
I played on normal, and it was really easy, specially since I went for a full playthrough and got really strong really fast, the puzzles to weren't really hard, they were fun to figure out, but mostly no brainers.
I'd say if you are looking for a exploration kinda game definitely customize your HUD and turn off most markers. If you just want some fun story and interesting puzzles it's pretty good.