Really inventive and well made Adventure game. The characters are very memorable and the voice cast does a great job bringing them to life(as well as their designs themselves). Great time.


Sure it's an errand game but it satisfied me as a fan.


Perfect perhaps? Nah, but maybe?


Not quite to the same heights due to a weaker story and villain, but still great and has some really exciting levels and weapons.


I don't watch The Simpsons but despite the games Missions getting a bit repetitive this was a blast to play. Races, Destruction, Coolio.


Really fun as a Scooby-Doo fan but I do feel it was at times kind of simple.


It doesn't hold up as well from when I was a kid but it was still okay.


Honestly as far as movie tie in games go it's short but it could have been far worse.

As an adult The humor doesn't hold up quite as well as from what I remembered, but everything is the best the franchise has ever been.


Likely the best game adaptation of a movie I have played.


This sequel takes the franchise in a new direction and I think it was better for it. The locations are nice, I do like the missions and exploration. The fame is very linier and I think some of the Villains could have been more interesting, but still great regardless.


Perhaps the greatest golf video game ever.

EDIT: November 12th, 2023- This was so much fun to revisit. The camera is the worst sometimes depending on the map and occasionally the frame rate is kind of wack but other than that it's a wonderful experience.


Honestly? This was really fun. It's the only Crash game I have ever played and I hear some people don't really like this game but I had a blast playing it(except for a Glitch that got me stuck on a running portion for a bit.


This had some creative idea and the voice actors all lending a hand is nice, but otherwise it's underwhelming.


It's fun to use the powers the heroes have but overall it's just okay.
