Pretty inventive world and characters but not too much else to bite on. Unexpected ending though, give them credit for that.


I'll have you know I have won the top prize in this game on four separate occasions.


It's fun playing with a friend but the novelty isn't as strong as when I was younger.


I got stuck on the amusement park level as a kid but beat it as an adult. It's aight.


If you thought the movie looked ugly and dated I have bad news for you regarding this game.


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This remains to be the best of the three Sly games. The pirate ship level is legendary and I love the main villain Dimitri being my favorite from the second it's so good to see him join the gang. The gang expanding was honestly a smart call and apart from some repetitive missions here and there this is awesome.


Overall being a movie fan and a SpongeBob fan the idea of playing mini-games to determine the casting for a superhero movie in the SpongeBob universe is great, and the multiple characters give high replay value as the characters will have different lines in the scenes you shoot. The mini-games are hit or miss but this is a fun time.


I remember liking this a lot. My current score may go higher on a revisit.


You bet your ass I was hyped for this as a kid. It was the cross over of my dreams and it was so fun to play. However revisiting it it's kind of just meh, especially if you're just going through it alone.


This isn't really a Mario Party game more so a mini-game collection. The games aren't exactly bad but this game couldn't keep my attention for more than a couple hours.


Ha get it? Fantastic 4 gets a 4/10.

Well more like 4.6 but still.

Bowling > Golf > Baseball > Tennis > Boxing



It's a solid game overall. Pretty much a tamer GTA, which I have not had experience outside of the occasional play with GTA V because my brother played it a bunch.


I wasn't nearly as big on this as I was the original trilogy. One of my favorite things about this franchise is the planets, the exploring, but when you just make most of the game an arena battle I can't help but feel not as interested, especially when the story is as basic as this one is. Still the combat is fun and it isn't a waste of time but just not the same.
