A very simple but effective concept.


This was the very first RPG game I have ever played in video game form. And it definitely warmed me up to the genre.


I love the alien franchise and this game did it justice.


It was harder to get as emotionally invested in this one being an anthology and all but it is a good time overall if you were a fan of the first game.


You be wrong if you thought I could explain what the plot of this was in a general sense, but the atmosphere and night vision camera gimmick makes this a great survival horror to remember.


Ahh yes the internet horror game that sent YouTube into a frenzy. It isn't that great, but it did make for some fun videos


I can appreciate them taking a chance on doing some different with the franchise but traveling together but still being opponents wasn't the right direction. The map designs are actually pretty good overall and I like some of the mini-games they added, but this is one of the weaker entries in the franchise.


WRASTLING AGAIN! I use to watch WWE a lot, and I plated some of the games.


Baseball is my favorite sport.


It's cool to have disabled representation in a dating sim and the characters are all pretty interesting and fun. It doesn't exactly have a high replay value but it's a good time.


I do feel this would be a good one to replay as I played this like maybe 10-11 years ago and haven't really thought about it much since but it was very good from what I remember.


Huge improvement in almost every way from the first one. The location is more interesting, the story is crazier, the twists are bigger, the trials and investigations are harder and more complex, it's more emotional. The only thing I personally think the first game did better was the characters. Sorry to some of the fans out there but this cast is the weakest of the three mainline game in my humble opinion. I will do a full review and ranking someday, but not today.


I really enjoy this game. The story is crazy and longer than the previous one, the rooms are more challenging, and the characters all bring unique flare(even if I prefer the first cast overall). But the change to 3D sprites as opposed to the 2D ones used in the previous is disappointing and not as interesting to look at. While the first game did have big twists, I don't have any issue with any of those really. This one also has some twists that I felt were good and some had me rolling my eyes. It also doesn't really end as satisfyingly as the previous one and I felt a lot of this ending relies on you waiting till the next one to get some answers which the previous game had but wasn't as imperative. Still love this one for the most part though.


Personal Character Rankings
K- 8.8/10
Zero III(AKA Lagamorth, AKA The Bunny)- 8.8/10
Luna- 8.7/10
Tenmyouji- 8.5/10
Sigma- 8.3/10
Dio- 8.0/10
Phi- 7.6/10
Alice- 7.3/10
Quark- 7.2/10
Clover- 7.1/10
The Old Woman- 7.0/10