The boards in this game go hard I really like nearly all of them. The mini-games are fun and at times challenging. The wii-mote functionality was good and consistent. One of the best in the franchise from what I have played.


Board Rankings:
1. Goomba’s Booty Boardwalk- 8.7/10
2. Shy Guy’s Perplex Express- 8.5/10
3. Bower’s Warped Orbit- 8.4/10
4. DK’s Treetop Temple- 8.2/10
5. Koopa’s Tycoon Town- 7.9/10
6. King Boo’s Haunted Hideaway- 6.9/10

Pretty detailed and functional, though I don't remember using it for more than a few weeks.


A bunch of fun mini-games.


Great compilation of games. Really enjoyed this.


I remember beating this game and not really feeling much. I was right.


This game is ugly, boring, and not that memorable. Decent level design doesn't save it.


Actually no joke this is better than the movie it's based off.



While it isn't anything that good, it's actually pretty decent for what it is. In some ways it's better than the movie it's based on, and in others it's worse.


I wasn't nearly as big on this as I was the original trilogy. One of my favorite things about this franchise is the planets, the exploring, but when you just make most of the game an arena battle I can't help but feel not as interested, especially when the story is as basic as this one is. Still the combat is fun and it isn't a waste of time but just not the same.



It's a solid game overall. Pretty much a tamer GTA, which I have not had experience outside of the occasional play with GTA V because my brother played it a bunch.


Bowling > Golf > Baseball > Tennis > Boxing


Ha get it? Fantastic 4 gets a 4/10.

Well more like 4.6 but still.

This isn't really a Mario Party game more so a mini-game collection. The games aren't exactly bad but this game couldn't keep my attention for more than a couple hours.


You bet your ass I was hyped for this as a kid. It was the cross over of my dreams and it was so fun to play. However revisiting it it's kind of just meh, especially if you're just going through it alone.
