I overall do like this game, but the amount of boards and the size is disappointing. Some are really good and some are just kind of meh, but really fun mini-games, ally spaces with unique dice options and the largest character selection of any previously makes this one worth the time. If they had a couple more maps and bigger boards I do think this could have competed with some of the best in this franchise.


Board Rankings:
Kamek’s Tantalizing Tower- 8.1/10
King Bob-omb’s Powder Keg Mine- 7.6/10
Mega Fruit Paradise- 7.1/10
Whomp’s Domino Ruins- 6.7/10

Partner Party Board Rankings:
Tantalizing Tower Toys- 8.0/10
Gold Rush Mine- 7.5/10
Watermelon Walk-about- 7.3/10
Domino Ruins Treasure Hunt- 6.8/10

There was a glitch on my brother's PS4 where if the internet was on this game would crash at the character selection, so any time we wanted to play we would have to turn it off. Other than that it's Monopoly but they count the money and keep track of properties for you and has a decent visual flair. It's fun!


I'll avoid saying anything in case someone is going into this blind, but it's great. Enjoy yourself.


The final trial of this game is one of the greatest endings to any work of fiction I have experienced. Not just in video games, but experienced period. I can understand how if you were a fan of this as the games were coming out, buying the games day one, watching the anime, getting into the lore, being hyped up for a third entry in the franchise, and you hated what they did I get it. But keep in mind I experienced all three games over a six month period like three years after this game was released and knew almost zero spoilers for the franchise going in(outside of the Monokuma reveal and one character death in Goodbye Despair and one character death in this game). I'll likely go more into detail about it at some other point but I am one of those that think this is the best game in this franchise. If a certain amount of small colorful characters didn't exist I would have rated this higher.


This is a situation where I am glad the game exists because the second one would have been even more anticlimactic then it was if we didn't get more to it. All that said it's really not as good as the other ones. The puzzles are a bit more confusing, the visuals clearly lacked the same attention the others had, the ending is bad and the ZERO reveal was legit one of the stupidest twists I have seen in any form of media. When it happened I was stunned into silence for a brief minute before turning to my brother and going "This is so stupid." All that said though there is a goofiness to the game that I did find endearing. The story overall is still pretty fun and Zero's design and cryptic nature in this one was welcome, as I did think the other two games could have used Zero as a presence more. The characters are still complex and interesting. Overall I do like it but it is a disappointing end to this trilogy.


Personal Character Rankings
Sigma- 8.8/10
Diana- 8.8/10
Junpei- 8.6/10
Mira- 8.2/10
Q(AKA Helmet Boy) - 8.2/10
Akane- 7.8/10
Phi- 7.7/10
Zero II(AKA Plague Mask Person)- 7.5/10(though if I were judging purely on character design they would an easy 9/10)
Carlos- 7.4/10
Eric- 6.8/10

I cannot wait to play Limbo from the same people who brought us this. Holy hell what an experience.


I feel like the quality of these kept dipping just a bit more each time.


Just a romp of a game and very addictive. Easy to learn but hard to master.


I love how the game shifts the genre of horror it's going for. Performances are great and the visuals really stand out.


NO review for this as my eye are starting not to stay open.


I like that the game just said "Fuck it" and made an anti-simulator game.


This wasn't as satisfying as the first season but I still really enjoyed it.
