21 reviews liked by AndyDoFliper

[playing Zangief v Blanka on my brand new Series X on my 4k OLED] [sobbing] “My boys! My beautiful boys! Oh how you’ve grown! How wonderful it is to see you again!”

Wonderful. Great cast of characters. The chapter system works perfect for on and off playing. Greatly improved from OT1 and I pray for OT3.

To say that this game is better than the original is the understatement of the century. As someone who doesn't even like the original this game is nothing short of fantastic. Improvements in literally every single facet of the entire gameplay loop has turned this series from a seemingly shallow pixel art nostalgia trip to one of the modern day greats.
The gameplay is expertly segmented and paced this time around, and nowhere is this seen more than the world map itself. It is just so fun to explore. There are alternating paths filled with chests containing extremely worthwhile treasure and items on almost every screen of the map, as well as optional dungeons everywhere ALSO containing really unique and powerful gear that, so that they always feel worth it and exciting to explore.
New additions to the combat makes it infinitely more rewarding and fun to play, such as more unique skills, and individual character latent powers, which are abilities that are unique to each specific traveler. It is so fun seeing how they synergize with not just the travelers main class, but also all of the other subclasses they can equip.
The boss fights are also incredible, especially the later ones. They are all so interesting and have exciting gimmicks that really makes them all stand out so much.
Every part of the gameplay loop is just so much fun. Be it exploring for powerful gear and optional bosses, customizing your party with the deep and layerd class system, doing one of the MANY rich, deep, and puzzling sidequests that utilize different characters path actions, or fighting incredibly designed bosses, this game is just such a blast when it comes to not just the minute to minute gameplay, but just as an overall package. I'm so thankful that the new update content inspired me to revisit this game

It's one of those games where you go in without any expectations, and the journey and gameplay just blows your mind. Octopath traveller 2 is one of the greatest turn based RPGs I've played. Genuinely perfect from OST, characters, gameplay, art design etc. PLEASE PLAY THIS GAME

Nunca dei 2 fodas pra esse jogo, mas agora entendo porque ele é tão icônico, que joguinho bom. É daquele tipo de coisa que não tem a menor vergonha de se afogar numa estética e temática e isso é sempre maravilhoso.

Na parte técnica, imagino oque deve ter sido na época, ele é bem mais cinematográfico, com destruição de cenário e umas setpieces bem interessantes pra época. Zerando esse jogo depois de Hexen, consegui sentir o pouco a diferença da câmera, que na Id Tech 1, quando se movia verticalmente, era pra uma diferença mínima na gameplay, aqui ela é parte integral do jogo.

O level design é bem bom, nada nível DOOM, mas toda fase é única, divertida e nunca se estende demais. Único, divertido e que não enjoa é também uma característica da sandbox desse jogo, que é simplesmente muito criativo, e junto da galeria de inimigos muito bem feita (exceto por aqueles drones retardados e aqueles bixos enormes com metralhadora hitscan que acabam com sua vida), praticamente toda arma é viável em diversas situações

1- It's called Prince of Persia but you don't actually play as Prince of Persia
2- It's called Prince of Persia, but the protagonist is African for some reason
3- And more importantly, It's called Prince of Persia but it's Metroidvania (aka boring exploration) with Hollow knight level difficulty.
The only resemblance between this game and the Prince of Persia we know it is the logo.

Don't get me wrong, this is a very good game. And I was having fun in the first couple of hours before it turned into an absolute grind. The bosses have an insane difficulty spike compared to the levels. Their attacks are super fast and they spam all the time. I'm playing on Normal difficulty but it was just a chore. If you turn the difficulty down all you get is less damage and npc with less health, so the balance is completely off. Then comes the platforming, it's good and crispy, until it becomes absolutely tight that it exposes the sluggishness of the controls. Seems like the devs knew that beforehand that they gave an option to completely skip these platforming sections. But if you going to tune down the combat, and skip the platforming, might just skip the whole thing.

On the bright side, the core gameplay is still solid. Attacks and animations are smooth. With multiple fun abilities.

This is a not game for me, and not for the prince of persia fans. It's a game for Hollow Knight fans apparently, and soon they will release a rougelike game for Dead Cells fans. And who knows? Maybe Prince of persia battle royal for Fortnite fans is in development.

O melhor Banjo, mas a sociedade não ta pronta pra esse debate.

I’ve tried many times but I think the combat is just bad.