This is both tje most objectionable and least recommendable game I've played and top of that it has a really bad ending. It's one of my fav games I've played this year.

What can I say? Modern living sucks and makes us go insane ✌️

Y2K would of been a blessing.

was at the end mark, realized I had to grind to beat the boss the final boss, and dropped cause I wasn't really enjoying it.

Sorry! I really wanted to like it, but it didn't hit with me. Tho I did learn I should probably stop spending as much time on beating games I don't really like playing. lol

Been meaning to play of these for a while, this wasn't very fun :(

Oh yeah this is def da best one and probably the closest thing to a comfort game for me

Good games are ones with pretty levels with pretty blonds and cool music.

Also Vincent being somewhat inspired by Vincent Gallo makes so much sense lol

Had to play this for class, it gud

If it wasn't so ugly to look at and had more comfy maps I would be playing this all the time. Fun nonetheless!

Was at the last boss and decided I actually didn't wanna finish this game. Cool character designs tho!

Want to play this so badly, but the PC port is so bad 😭😭


Bioshock Moral Choices: Do you kill child for one bullet or not?

wins 22 awards

Even tho Chiaki J. Konaka, didn't write for this, you can still feel his touch within this game. Can't wait for the full game!

Got almost all of the endings before finding out the last ended made me get 9.999.999 million followers and decided to tap out.

Enjoy a lot during the start, but as it went out I disliked more. Still like it, but if it was like like 25% I would of liked it more.

E-Girl sex be going crazy tho.


Didn't beat TFC, but very good.

Has a very simple heart, but good natured heart to it, like a kid telling you a fantasy story he's making up on the spot.