Fun and cute wagie simulator.

The perfect game (for me)

What can I really say? It's slice of life game disguised as an action game about a boy abounding everything to be a video game hero, the story is less about the big players in the criminal underworld and more about Ryo and how the murder of his father has affected him and the people around him.

The Nozomi motorbike scene is perfect, one of the best scens in video game history! With how much Yu Suzuki loves china this def feels like a node to fallen angels.

Yeah, this game is awesome but frustrating as hell at the same time, will return to it at some later point.

played in shenmue, hit boxes are too big!

Played in Shenmue, Very good!

Feels like if Kikiyama and SUDA51 watched Hisayasu Satô's Muscle and decide to make a RPG maker game about the importance of moving on and themed around homosexuality.

Amazing piece of art.

very :)-core game. loved almost every second of this game, it's ofc more of the same but you get a skateboard, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh yeah story was really good too!

technically didn't finish it cause act 3 isn't out yet but still a very fun shooter. only problem I had it with it was that the bosses besides gabriel weren't very funny (wow it took even the bad stuff from DMC) and the score sounds meh at best.

One problem I have with VNs is that they always feel me too much like novels, while the visual ascpect always somewhat lacking in my eyes. The silver case fixes that problem with me with cutting a lot of fluf VN dialogue as well as having the coolest visual style imagineable.

But what's a novel without a good story and the silver case brings that in spades with 2 different campaigns that focuses on 2 different views, the authorities within the 24th wards and the civilains within it. Possible one of the best denpa works I've consumed right next something like SEL or the documentary "The New God".

Holy fuck that was amazing! I ususally get really bored of rougelikes after a while due to me mostly finding their loop boring, but fuck I loved this one.

I loved the greater focus on the atompshere then the gameplay, the dunegon feels punishing and unwelcoming with monsters that as best want to steal your shit and worse just kill you. The music aswell just feels you with dread and god it's great.

Now the gameplay... I actually enjoyed it quite a lot, while controlling doesn't feel all that good, the game never failed to make think and plan out what items I should use next in order to the next floor.

Love this game to bits.

Lol it turns out I got the "bad ending", dw I'll beat get the rest of the endings.

I can see the localiser for this game laughing their ass of when they deicded to make all of the cast call gray looking aliens as "black creatures"

Wish I could of gelled with it more but nah, sorry! Awesome OST tho

My ps3 keeps crashing on the first level ;_;


Besides the enemies being a massive pain in the ass, this is probably one of the best games from an american based publisher to come out in recent memory, jumping around and using your boosters while throwing objects at enemies never stops being fun.

Glad the immersive sim genre is having it's own indie wave, can't wait to play Peripeteia.