423 Reviews liked by Araz188

Beneath layers of hilarious humor and an unusual list of characters with unfiltered interactions lies one of the most beautiful and impacting stories ever told showcasing many themes that are rarely touched upon correctly in media
Yoko Taro games usually tackle subjects not so different from each other but every single one of them does it in a very unique way that never feels repetitive and always feels like it has Yoko Taro's signature on it
tackling the subjects of self-acceptance and questioning the sets of beliefs and drives people have and human nature
I don't subscribe to the idea that dod 3 is "bad on purpose" or whatever many people throw around
in fact, the moment I was thrown into its world i was interested
the game starts off with a clean plan and blueprint and you are nothing but a spectator trying to understand the reasoning/meaning behind the drive of the main character and the setting of this insane world and it ties it up perfectly with a cathartic ending that left me stunned
know the game has some inherent shortcomings because of its age but beyond it all is genuinely one of the most impactful stories ever.
the structure and branching and narrative of the game are incredible it's sad that this will always be an underappreciated gem
to talk about every single theme this game conveys and how Yoko Taro's themes and how he tackles them are always the greatest ever would take too much and I still have much to learn from all the side content. i just loved the game and that is all that matters to me

This is like if Monster Hunter World and Bayonetta 2 had a child that stayed with Final Fantasy XIV on the weekends.

This game is fucking awesome. Characters are super fun to play and its so easy to get invested in building them. The actual fights only get better and better. The story is such an awesome cinematic spectacle and full of tons of cool fights and scenes. There is a character within it with really really good character writing as well. Just.... PEAK SIR, IT'S PEAK!

I think, in addition to this being an excellent remake that is authentic in all the ways that matter (and every change made to the source material feels like its so at home that youre surprised it wasnt there to begin with), this remake was also exactly what the Persona franchise needed at this point in a post commodified-P5 era.

Ive always thought favorably of P3 in its black-sheep status amongst the Persona games but getting to experience Persona 3 in this modern, polished light in a post P5 world has quickly shot it up to my favorite Persona game, and has become the blueprint in terms of quality that Id want any future Persona game to follow. More natural focus on characters, more attention paid to pacing and themes, just a much more back-to-basics mentality.

My first ever Atlus game and I am beyond blown away by such a beautifully tragic emotional experience
this game is a beacon of hope for those who have struggled to cope with loss such as myself.
perfectly executed themes and all around just a wonderful experience
I have so much to say but it just never feels enough for what this masterpiece presents.
I was emotionally moved many many times playing this it's unbelievable and even though I haven't played the former versions of P3 this is clearly made with love and passion
this helped me change how I face a lot of problems and came at such a needed time in my life I genuinely think this game is a must-play for everyone period. many people have already sung its praises so there isn't a lot for me to say but I'm just super thankful I got to play this
one of the most impactful things I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing and indubitably one of the greatest games of all time

the best fire emblem game. excited to replay it 5000 times in the future

a knockout on every front. perfect controls and gameplay compliment a beautiful art direction and story



a lot of fun and gay and great writing and characters, but i’m bitter to not have experienced the true ending because i played basically the entire game while it was in beta and the progress towards the ending does not carry over

eat your heart out game of thrones and/or fire emblem. it’s such a great story with so many moving parts and the decisions have a real weight to them that most story based game lack. also the gameplay is really fun and all the characters feel unique and great to use

this game feels like hoyoverse trying something more unique by using the framework and audience of genshin and i appreciate it for that. that said the updates are a bit too infrequent for the kind of game it is

mostly amazing and groundbreaking, but has a couple iffy worlds that just don’t live up to the massive bar set by the others, particularly the astounding first world

finally. a mobile game for pretentious blowhards.
the story is incomprehensible but in a very literature-y way that i enjoy. it’s pretty dumb but it has an excellent presentation and the gameplay is all very fun

i can’t lie they kinda knocked it out of the park on this one. my main gripe with hoyoverse for years has been a complete lack of originality and borderline thievery of other games’ ideas, but penacony feels like the first time they’ve made something that feels truly original to them. the world isn’t even complete yet and it’s already fun and filled with intrigue. not to mention all the QoL changes and great updates from 1.0 to 2.0. we’re not even at a year yet and HSR has already evolved into hoyoverse’s best project by far.

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Day six. I have styled my phone's homescreen using image-displaying widgets to display pictures of Firefly. I got through a particularly tough day of work without the use of any stimulants by thinking about Firefly. I have discussed Firefly's status on internet messaging apps for at least 5.3k words. I have approximately 192 pulls saved up in the event that I can eventually use them to obtain Firefly. Youtube recommends me an average of three Firefly-related videos per refresh.
The shadows on the walls grow larger and I cannot seem to glimpse the sun anymore.
There is nothing left for me here. The only way is down.