It's pretty hard to get into this game if you've played literally any other game ever.

Fun combat and fun overworld mechanics. I think this was a step in the right direction, but unfortunately, the exploration left an immense amount to be desired.

This game is a whole-ass vibe. That heartbeat-sounding theme that plays right before a boss fight still gives me chills.

I drew an epic cock. Cokc mountain.

I thought this would be like the jelly donuts from Pokémon.

People give it shit for being ugly and watered-down, but I unironically think it's better than Fable I. Still clunky af, but at least it's bearable. And there are some fun mechanics to mess around with.

It's objectively better than the first one, I'll say that. Unfortunately, its improvements are few and far between, and it still suffers from a lot of the same issues. It is impossible for me to trudge through this one after having already beaten the first. A shame, too, because it's BEAUTIFUL, and obviously lovingly crafted.

Beautiful game, brilliant concept. Riveting all the way through.

Gorgeous game with brilliant music and art direction. Climactic and spectacular boss fights.

Silly little guy :) Fun collectathon shenanigans. Your PS1 is incomplete without this classic.

This game is an endless dopamine trip, but sometimes I wish the characters would shut the fuck up. Big Maruki fan.

You can blow up Ganondorf with a weaponized sentry drone in this one.

You turn into monsters like Ben 10, and then DBZ fusion dance with your depressed bisexual millennial friends to fight the witches from Madoka Magica. This game is a blast. Creative, and with one of the best soundtracks, to boot.

Filled with neat mechanics, thrilling spectacle, heartful drama, and wonderful art. However, it's somehow also a drag to play? It's suffocatingly serious, its combat feels slow and clunky, and I also found it hard to commit any kind of investment in its characters. The plot roller-coasters between its three convictions: brilliant, boring, and braindead.