What it lacked by decimating the surprisingly decent story of the original, it made up for by adding way more Pokemon to the local Pokédex and having a challenging final boss.

Fun personality, music, and region culture. Decent plot (rare Pokémon W). BUT: Marked the beginning of GameFreak's iffy design philosophy. Z-moves were lame, imo. Regional variants are lame too (unpopular opinion, please do not kill me). Overall, just a below average experience.

Surprisingly good, considering Gen 6's sub-par debut. One of the best post-games in Pokémon. Hoenn, but better in almost every way.

A bit better than most other Pokémon games, due to its banging soundtrack and lively animations. It definitely sits within that "Pokémon golden age" between the third and fifth generations. Has its flaws, but I have too much nostalgia to give it a lower score lol.

Definitely my favorite main series Pokémon game. It fixed all the problems with Black and White (except the story, lmao, it made that worse). The dynamic music in this one was genius. when I play it, I almost forget I'm playing Pokémon sometimes because of how artistically sound it is—but, it suffers from the fact that it definitely IS a Pokémon game.

Fun, addicting gameplay... but it gets repetitive REAL fast. Story was surprisingly fun, even if it wasn't anything to write home about. It's like a drug that gives you a short high, but soon becomes boring in comparison to the stronger drugs out there.

A bit shallow in some areas, but man does it hook you. One of the better Pokémon games. I'd like to see the concept continued.

My praise for this game has already been driven into the dirt by a million other people: it's a stylish, bouncy, fun game with a great soundtrack. As someone who doesn't play fighting games a ton, it was easy to get into because the moves aren't that complicated.

Gen 5 weather gimmicks still haunt my nightmares.

Has a lot of issues compared to previous entries, but all my friends have it and it was fun for a while.

One of my favorite shooters. Fuck EA.

God, I fucking hate everything about this game. Diablo loot-ass, grindy-ass, repetitive boss rush-ass, disjointed mechanical bloat havin'-ass, slow as fuck pace-ass, constantly keeping the wiki open needing-ass game. 8/10.

Amazing campaign aside, the multiplayer in this game is also the best in the business. Made me like multiplayer shooters.

This game is a whole-ass vibe. That heartbeat-sounding theme that plays right before a boss fight still gives me chills.