Stupid-ass Diablo loot. Annoying-ass robot guy.

Played the fuck out of this game in middle school. Fun and filled with things to do, but the minigames get repetitive real fast.

Fun-ass, goofy-ass game. Sometimes I wish there was a way to turn the super powers off, though.

I used to play the FUCK out of this game as a kid.

All kinds of fun shit to do in this game. Lots of customization options. And if you get bored, you can use cheats to spawn a car and run people over :)

My grandma bought me this game as a kid because I lost my copy of RCT1 and she wasn't sure what the difference was. God, am I glad she did.

Very fun! Didn't play it for too long, but I enjoyed building parks with people online.

Fun-ass platform fighter. A little lacking in content, though.

Fun combat and fun overworld mechanics. I think this was a step in the right direction, but unfortunately, the exploration left an immense amount to be desired.

I'm not even mad about the graphics or animations or whatever, because I knew they'd suck. This game is just boring as shit. Dead, empty, shallow game.

The Fairy type was probably the only good thing this game added.

"Guys, what if we do Red and Blue... but WORSE? I'm sure players will love not being able to evolve their starter!"

Actually just. Un-fucking-playable. Easily one of my least-favorite games.

Johto sucks, but this game actually managed to make it palatable.