Simple and imaginative. It was fun trying to get all the different endings.

Fun, bouncy, vibrant game that doesn't overstay its welcome. Imaginative gameplay and satisfying progression.

Neat little story. But I don't think these entirely story-focussed games are really my thing, because I got bored really quickly. I would've rather just watched a movie.

Funny as fuck, but it gets reaaal boring reaaal quick. You can only laugh at goofy bugs so many times.

It's time to kick Odie off the table.

Hidden gem of a game. Unironically a masterpiece. Fantastic and deep combat system, great atmosphere and music, addicting collectathon gameplay, and a pretty damn good story for a kid's game.

How did Obsidian make this clunky-ass, cobbled-together-ass game better than anything Bethesda has put out? Flaws be damned, this game understands how to be an RPG better than any game I've ever played.

Goofy-ass game. Shit plot, so-so gameplay, classic Bethesda bugginess. But at least it's a good modding engine :)

People give it shit for being ugly and watered-down, but I unironically think it's better than Fable I. Still clunky af, but at least it's bearable. And there are some fun mechanics to mess around with.

My favorite Fable game. Has the best dynamic character mechanics. The music and plot are quite grand. I think it has the best combat of all the Fable games, too.

It might be the most "deep" of the Fable games in terms of gameplay, but it's also a clunky slog to play. There are plenty of old-ass games that still hold up to this day, but this one does not.

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Had some cool concepts, but was overall a schlocky, creepypasta-type beat. The heavy-hitting subject material is hard to take seriously when the characters start Squidward Suiciding all over the place.

Fantastic in every way imaginable. My all-time favorite video game. What few flaws it does have only make it more beautiful.

The only Black Ops game that lets you use a flamethrower, to my knowledge.