11 reviews liked by ArtemisRiku

9 Great open world. Love the Pokémon

This game will make you feel like a complete idiot, and 5 minutes later you'll think you're a genius

the animations and artwork are gorgeous, the characters are charming, the deduction mechanic is cute and fun, but the mystery left me unsatisfied

Very solid adventure game with good puzzles. The hint system is the best part of this- never had to go outside of the game to get a guide for my stupidity and a lot of the puzzles make sense- I just didn't catch onto them at first.
General story is just ok, I'd play it more for the visuals and gameplay than the story. I love this game to death, though.

Unpacking was pretty damn stressful, at least to me. I can't tell what some of this stuff is so I can't properly put it away. I can see a good and zen game somewhere in here, but it's not connecting with me. Maybe I'll play it again someday. I'd recommend it to people who like to clean.

It's nice & relaxing, the ultimate "show don't tell"-experience, which gives the entire thing some novelty. However... I didn't find it particularly noteworthy? I had a good time and stuff, but my only meta-thought worth anything was "Well, this family gotta be very white". There is also a lot of hetero- (or rather homo-)normativity here, which makes the entire thing rather boring. The gameplay concept has, however, deconstrutive potential, and this game did use none of it.

Really cute and chill game that was a nice use of a couple hours. Learning about this girl’s life while judging her for how she packs boxes was just a really pleasant time.

this girl put her panties and her toaster in the same goddamn box

simon blackquill deserved a better debut game than this

this game is like that one scene in the beginning of shrek 2 where theyre travelling to far far away and donkey won't shut up except donkey in this scenario is all of the characters not shutting up about the dark age of the law and i am shrek losing more of my will to live every second