494 Reviews liked by Artmaster

Nunca tinha ouvido falar esse jogo, e entrei nele com expectativas médias, e ela foram superadas, batendo na casa do muito bom

Dishonored é uma experiência que de inicio te lembrará Bioshock, com armas de longo alcance, melee, e claro as magias. Contudo, diferente de um bioshock da vida, Dishonored possui o Stealth, e suas armas e magia se adequam para que o jogador possa se emergir nele e usa-lo a bel prazer. Ver através das paredes, teleportar, possuir, todas são magias que existem no jogo e são magias mais passivas, sendo claro seu uso pra stealth (tirando a de deixar o tempo lerdo).
O Stealth não é nada complexo, muito pelo contrario ele é mecanicamente bem simples, é so chegar atrás ou do lado do inimigo desavisado e apertar um botão. Contudo, mesmo mecanicamente sendo simples, tal como um pão com manteiga, as armas, a magia e o uso de uma boa criatividade são os complementos também simples e que acabam fazendo a refeição se tornar prazerosa. Usar o cenário, que possui vários detalhes para um jogador atento e que queira usar o stealth, para se esconder juntamente com o uso de minas, arco e flecha e sua espada fazem com que você siga em sequencia com seu ocultamento.

Falando assim, ate parece que o jogo é puramente stealth, mas não é. Dishonored recomenda o Stealth, mas não te obriga, te deixando livre pra meter a porrada desenfreado da forma que você quiser.

Porem, essa afirmação de "recomendado mas não exigido" que eu acabei de levantar é um pouco quanto questionável, dado que existe um tipo de inimigo nesse jogo que te obriga a ir no stealth, que são aqueles cara la que fica nas pernonas e ficam atirando as flechas explosivas.
Eles são impossíveis de matar a não ser que você sorrateiramente exploda seus tanks ou pule em cima deles e os mate de forma furtiva. É um inimigo que eu desgosto por tirar essa parte da liberdade do jogador, te obrigando a jogar da forma que o jogo quer pra passar

Enfim, recomendo o jogo para quem gosta de Bioshock ou um bom fps de stealth (e o sistema de moralidade desse jogo é um dos bagulhos mais bem feitos que eu ja vi)

Holy shit france is way worse than I ever could've imagined

6th gen Capcom's writing team at their most unhinged; I don't think a game with time-travelling Jean Reno teaming up with stoic feudal Japanese samurai could be done nowadays, and that says so much about how far video games have fallen since this era.

Onimusha 3 trims the fat of 2's gifting system and replaces it with a unique way of planting its protagonists' shared campaign across different time periods while retaining the gameplay that made the original title such a beloved classic. It drags on just a bit near the end, but damn if it isn't a great time all the same. A top shelf title!

Jogo foda pra caralho, com história fenomenal. Mecânica de portal e física muito boa. Jogo curto, mas não é um problema

Nota: 9,5/10

Gameplay e gráficos perfeitos, mas é isso. A história é bem fraca se comparada com a dos 2 jogos anteriores, Lara não consegue convencer em nenhum momento e o vilão é clichê/cringe.

i'd never heard a peep about this game, so i picked it up completely blind after seeing its name on a list of games grezzo had contributed to. i was in the mood for some jrpg and generic 3ds stuff was gonna do just fine.

as it turns out, despite the painfully bad name (and with this studio's previous project being "the legend of legacy" this seems to be a running theme of theirs) and fairly generic-looking box, this was really not a game i'd call generic, and i had a really good time with it!

overall i'd describe it as somewhat adjacent to bravely default in flavor and aesthetic, but without the final fantasy flavoring, and with a much more unique take on its mechanics. the game is really based around giving you a lot of room to do things the way you'd like to do them, with a ton of customization options. you have a ton of tactics options to pick roles for party members and add modifiers to their skills, everyone can wield every weapon type, most skills are available to everyone (save sorcery being unique to demons most of the time). if you want to have all 5 of your active party be double-shield tanks, you can. it rules.

plot-wise i found it interesting enough to keep me going but not much past that, it's fairly standard "world is screwed up, get backstory, find culprit" flavor, even if there's a couple interesting stops on the way. the world-building is already a notch above that, where things are just unique enough that i found myself curious to discover new areas. unfortunately, the plot slows down a bit too much around the last chunk of the game, and with it the pacing and gameplay dwindles a little bit also, in my opinion. it's the type of game where you have a great time for the vast majority of it, but the last 5-10 hours leave you wishing you were still in the middle of the game.

that said, the characters is where this really shines for me. you have a whopping 12 party members (though 3 are optional and figure much less) and they're all interesting and compelling characters, and with great visual designs to boot. i might not have been all that invested in the plot, but getting to see all the characters interact and go on their quest was an absolute delight. shout-out to robbins for being a literal penguin and the strongest party member (self-proclaimed). outside the party members, there's a non-negligible amount of interesting npcs and antagonists, with again some really great design work.

one thing quite unique with this game is that there's a really large amount of sidequests, many of which have different possible endings with both story and material consequences, and whose branching outcomes feel really natural.

overall i really loved this game, even with its faults, and i'm excited to get around to the remaster to play through it differently :3

It may not be as fleshed out as its sequel, but SteamWorld Dig’s loop of digging to upgrade to dig better is still a heck of a hook.

Canonically you play as Dig-Dugs grandson (his full name is John D. Dug)

Um jogo simples, fácil, curto mas bem divertido e competente. Uma boa pedida para quem gosta de exploração e plataforma em 2D, com novas habilidades e melhorias sendo adquiridas no decorrer do jogo. Apesar de não ter nada de extraordinário, o progresso é satisfatório o suficiente para fazer valer a pena ir até o final.

It was pretty cool when Gordon Freeman did a backflip, snapped Breen's neck and saved the day.