When i got this game i didn't played much myself. i just kept playing the online multiplayer mode of it since it was pure chaos and i loved that.

however my mother loved this game and she always seemed so happy when she completed sections of the castle. it made me happy seeing her like that so that's why this game is very important to me.

i'm aware that this game was released at a... Complicated time for LucasArts at the time and that it was not well recieved when it came out, at least compared to TFU1. but i honestly enjoyed this game a lot. Even more than 1 (not by much though). shame that we won't see a third entry in the series.

it's been ages since i last played TFU 1 but from what i can remember it was fun to play and there's not much i can add here. a really good hack n' slash game with great force mechanics added to it.

As a sonic fan myself since i was just a little kid. this game was just great, a love letter from SEGA to all the fans of the blue blur. Fun levels, bonus missions and both modern and classic Sonic feel great to control here.

if you like Sonic and haven't played it before, ¿what are you waiting for?

Imagine a San Andreas knock off with a decent city, interesting mechanics and no bikes anywhere for some reason... That's pretty much Saints Row 1. A humble first entry like many games don't really do anymore.

shame that this game was never released outside of Xbox 360 as far as i know. It's not perfect but very charming and fun.

Note: the character customization here is really really good and it just gets better with every entry in the series.

The only HALO game i've ever beaten and it's very good and fun. specially when playing it in local co-op. the story mode could be a little longer but it gets the job done.

i never played it online because i couldn't afford Xbox Live back in the day.

The game perse is actually very good but compared to 1 (and specially 2) it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard for my liking. i was even forced to change at the final boss from Trickster to Royalguard just to have a slight chance of beating it and i somehow managed to do it.

awesome game but the difficulty jump it's too much for my liking.

This might be a bit of a controversial topic but personally. Devil May Cry 2 wasn't that bad.

don't get me wrong the game has A LOT of flaws and Lucia's story straight up sucks but the game has a certain charm to it and Dante's design in this game is just amazing.

overall the game is objectively bad but i can see why a bunch of people like it.

My favorite entry in the franchise, Devil May Cry 1 is an Amazing game with a tough but fair challenge for all players.

i played this game offline only for a long time during my 15's since i couldn't afford xbox live atm.

i spend A LOT of time on the survival mode of this game. played it with friends via local co-op and overall enjoyed it a lot. it pains me a little bit the fact that i missed the online multiplayer of this game. Specially considering how the remake of MW3 turned out...

one of the last CoD games with memorable campaigns and the perfect ending for the Modern Warfare trilogy.