A worthy sequel to the original that learnt from most of the mistakes of the original.

This was one of my first videogames as a child and i played the shit out of it and loved how cool Sonic's and his friends designs looked. of course it didn't aged too well (considering how every port somehow got worse) but it's still enjoyable despite the flaws.

Recommendation: Get the game on steam and play the Dreamcast Conversion mod. you can enjoy the game in it's intended way and with most of the bugs completely fixed.

I played this game almost full time during the 2020 quarantine on the SchtHack private server. and it sure was a great experience! everyone was so nice and fun to play with, made some friends in there, and overall it was a great experience during that whole year i played before quitting it.

now aside from the social aspect of it. the game is pretty good but has a bunch of flaws. all clases are good in their own ways but there are objectively better classes than others wether it is for having better stats than others or because a bug in the game makes the class an unconvenience for the other players and sometimes including yourself (ahem ahem, damage cancelling).

as far as i know the server is still up as of 06/01/2024 and they even made crossplay possible between Gamecube and Xbox players.

One of the few Zelda games i actually enjoy playing. the Art style is amazing, the sea is full of secrets under it, and the gameplay is pretty solid, i loved the navigation system (and i've heard they made it better in the Wii U version but i haven't played that one.)

great game that truly deserves a chance.

Solid arena fighter for a handheld like the GBA and really fun to play. with catchy music and A LOT of customization options for Emerl.

note: Shadow is fucking broken in this game

i played the original uncensored version of this game with a friend back in high school and i'm just going to say this:


a complete upgrade from the previous game with even more funky ass music and a memorable villain. truly recommended!

note: Ulala i love you :)

Fun rythm game with funky ass music from the early 2000's

it's pretty short too, you can beat it in an afternoon or less.

im not much into Puzzle games but this one was fun. i played a translated patched version on 3ds and i got the game on steam later on. Very fun and for all ages.

As a Luigi fan myself this game was a delight to play and enjoy. Fun mechanics, Memorable characters, wise use of the 3ds touchscreen and beautiful art style.

The only bad point of it is that the game is stupidly easy, like the final boss was a joke come on...

Good game but just not for me.

No more comment.

Kirby Planet Robobot is a great swquel to Triple Deluxe and improved a lot of things of the original.

the story mode and bossfights are better in Planet Robobot but personally as a whole, Triple Deluxe was better for me.

definetly recommended

My favorite Kirby game. The hypernova mechanic was really fun although a bit underused. it had fun minigames too that you could even buy standalone versions of it on the 3ds eShop.

great game and nintendo should port this game to the Switch and make it more accesible

My second favorite entry in the Mainline SMT Franchise and it solved all the problems i had with the original SMT IV.

the lack of orientation? gone.
balanced builds? here
cool story and characters like in IV? Y E S !

for me it was a complete upgrade from the original SMT 4 and i honestly don't understand why some people hate this game with a passion.

This game was a rollercoaster for me, and not for very good reasons...

This game is the true definition of "Where The Fuck Do I Go."
you can't even advance in the story without completing certain "side-quests", and the game doesn't even tells you that.

it was so frustrating just seeing how every single path went took me nowhere and it felt like i was just wasting my time doing nothing around tokyo.

the story however was a different thing. The story of this game is very very good with memorable characters and moments. The demon designs are very cool too.

overall a good game but the total lack of orientation might be a problem for some players.

note: DO NOT use a Magic build, it's completely broken and it'll make the game way too easy.