43 Reviews liked by Ashy

This game's story is really enjoyable, the only real thing that takes away from it for me is having to play through it a whole three times with what feels like only 10% changes overall. This could've easily been fixed with a chapter select IMO but otherwise, I really enjoyed my time with it as the payoff for getting all the endings is worth it.

Ending E saved my life and cured my terminal cancer. There not being a chapter select so you had to go through the same shit for route C and do the ending segment again for D was the cause of said cancer. R fucking good on everything else

Poorly optimised and some parts of the enemy and mob design is kinda ass but overall p solid game great combat good enough story more than enough to like here optimusprimethumbsup.jpg

Most satisfying media experience I ever had. Changed my life thisshitsomagnificentchrollotears.jpg

This game takes you on a fun ass ride with the best combat bayo has to offer imo to take a shit on your dog, house, cereal and fridge while slamming your balls with a metal rod while you sleep with its ending. Abysmal ending its like they tried their hardest to make it ass

Fucked and sucked me dry. Top 5 FFs. The chicken came out of the oven raw thank god it lived up to my expectations. This gets a this shit so magnificentchrollotears.jpg rating

i fucking hate ultra rose

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the definition of the word perfect

This game does everything it could have done right it did right and went beyond that. From the opening cutscene to the last frame of the credits this game is just a constant emotional ride.

The story and cast of this game are the best i've seen in a game. There is so much to be said about both the story and characters but i know someone else will do that and they will do it better than me so i will not go into it.

The gameplay is one of the big standouts from 3 aswell. I was worried for some aspects of it prelaunch but after actually playing the game it turned out to be perfectly smooth in all ways it could have been.

The open world of this game is brilliant too with it basically always having something for you to find and mostly not feeling padded out at all. All the quests you can find around the world genuienly feel like they were made with care and passion unlike the very repetitive sidequests of the previous games in the series.

This game really felt like the game Takahashi always wanted to make and which is why i believe there's probably never going to be a game like this one

ate the vampussy of some white girl after i slid into her dms and cut her into 17 pieces

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

Gameplay insanely good, Level Design made me rethink life

This Game Changed My life and the way I look at life, An Actual Masterpiece 10/10