Carries XB3. Shit was AMAZING start to end.

Loved the story, to be honest didn't really enjoy the open world content. Felt it was rather lacking. Some of the proto-relic stuff was really good but the rest just felt like the same old Ubisoft formula. Turn on tower. Do meaningless objectives. Repeat. Still rather enjoyable.

Honestly I liked this game a lot more than I thought I would. Super fun mechanics obviously a little dated but I'm glad that Resident Evil 4 gave us this series.

I've spent hundreds upon hundreds in this game. My journey with it has spanned years and yet I never paid attention to the story... Only recently I decided to play NG+ to actually experience the story. Only up to the start of SB rn but I'm excited for ShB even without focusing on the Story that shit was my fav.

I love you, and all you guys.

I went into this game with awfully low expectations. Constantly seeing people shit on the game. I think this game really created the Xenoblade gameplay formula as we know it now and I also think it perfected it. This game has so much going for it. Doesn't deserve the hate.

Extreme bias but I love this game. Does it have its flaws? Yes. It's the teams first time releasing a Tekken worldwide though at the same time so I'll give it some time to hopefully shape up. In terms of it's story mode it was perfect for what I personally wanted.

I often forget this game exists til I see it again. Was such a fun ride.

The only issue I have with this game is that it's not longer.

This was my first Resi game it scared the shit out of me.

Peak XB combat Imo. Community sucks ass tho.

Absolutely love this game. This is essentially that game I'll play every 5 years for 4 weeks then never touch again but I love those 4 weeks

Amazing start to end. Become Ass Gods.

Been a while but I enjoyed the pacifist playthrough thoroughly.

I cried at the end of this game so much because I knew I'd just experienced something special for the first time in like a decade.