Perfect dark zero is a very weird and kind of janky game. I don't know if it's fun, but I still kind of like it maybe I don't know. It was fun 20 years ago.

Man Raven software used to make some great games. Even ones like quake 4 that aren't the best are still really good.

The forgotten BioWare game. I played it once and I thought it was pretty cool but since it's stuck in between Knights of the old Republic and Mass effect and nobody remembers it. It's right down there with their Sonic the hedgehog DS game that nobody remembers.

Geometry Wars was so cool. Finding the arcade cabinet and project Gotham racing that was neat. Xbox Live arcade used to have some cool games.

Battlefield 2 was fun. I liked the soldier swapping thing you could do in the campaign.


Listen to some Johnny Cash and play some Gun, recipe for a great time.

This is a really fun game, surprisingly good for a movie game, super easy achievements. Good time.

Classic xbox. Gears of War was so cool.

I beat the whole game and didn't get any achievements. Achievements in this time were weird.

Cool cowboy game. I remember the engine that Tech land used at the time was very weird you moved all wonky but it was kind of cool.

Fun open world game. The water was really cool looking.

Sam Fisher is going through his edgy phase.