Arguably the best game ever made. It's perfect.

Team fortress 2 was so much fun back in the day.

Assassin's Creed with kind of mind blowing playing back in 2007. The world was so big in the animations and how everything reacted and it was so cool.

The real game changer, could be one of the most influential games of all time. We're still feeling the effects Call of Duty 4 all these years later.

Forget about Half-Life 3, I'm still waiting for valve to release Half-Life 2 episode 3. At this point they should just release the game as it would have been in 2008 or 9 and it can be a fun little retro game everybody would like.

Can it run Crysis? The first half of this game when you're sneaking around with military dudes that's great but when the aliens show up it gets not all that fun. Looks good though.

I spent so much time playing peggle that some of the backgrounds burned into my old tv.

The Simpsons game was surprisingly fun. I've been wanting to play it again but it's ridiculously expensive now.

This was the first Tomb Raider game I ever played. It was pretty fun.

One of the greatest collections of video games of all time. Everybody was excited for the half-life episodes and team fortress 2 but portal just came out and blew everybody's mind. So good.

Transformers the movie from 2007 is amazing, it's peak cinema, the world and Western civilization peaked right there, video game not so much it's a mid-2000 movie game. It's fine.

You know I played this game back in 2007, I think I liked it, but I don't remember anything about it.


Not a fan of the Ninja turtles but I played this game back in the day because it had really easy achievements. It was actually kind of fun.