I wasn't a fan of skate. It wasn't as casual pickup and play is that Tony Hawke games that I liked.

A really good need for speed game.

The controls are all wonky. I never finished this game.

A really cool world War II game. EA tried something different the airborne stuff was great, I love this era of unreal engine 3 games. It's a fun first person shooter from right before Call of Duty 4 came along and changed everything.

Crackdown is really fun. Building up your powers and going from kind of a Grand theft auto ripoff game to flying around the city throwing Cars at bad guys it's great.

Command and conquer 3 on Xbox 360 is really good. I love playing strategy games with my controller. I'm not kidding this is one of my favorite games on 360. Along with Red alert 3.

Love this era of Tom Clancy games.

Dirt was so much fun. Grinding out the 1000 Miles achievement going up Pikes peak over and over and over again, good times.

It was free! Fun little space shooter.It was free! Fun little space shooter.


Who at Toyota thought making this weird little game where your car has a weird alien robot gun thing sticking out of the front of it would sell cars to Young people? Cuz this was just an advertisement it was free. Somebody thought it was a good idea.

Blacksite is not a particularly good game, but it has a soft spot in my heart I will always like it. It's too bad to developers were so rushed and didn't have time to flush things out, cuz it's such a cool idea I love the desert aesthetics and war on terror era military stuff in the early unreal engine 3, it's really cool.

The project Gotham racing series was really cool. I liked it, it's too bad that the series basically got killed by the Forza series. And when I bought pgr4 I got a free wireless Xbox Live headset which I still have. I don't know if it works though.