The Battle stations series was so cool. Being able to switch between flying planes and boats and submarines all in real time and one go or controlling it from the map like an RTS, it was really cool.

Hour of victory is not very good. It's good for them trying something different with the multiple playable characters that change the levels, but the game is just really bad. I do like the kind of janky early unreal engine 3 look it has going for it.

Quake Wars multiplayer was really cool. The different objectives and classes and everything it was neat. it was neat.

Some strategy games worked great on xbox, EA made some really good ones, but supreme Commander just didn't work. Everything was too big there's too much going on just kind of crazy and hard to control.

It was a unique game, multiplayer was kind of fun.

Payback wasn't a very good game but I enjoyed it. I enjoy a lot of games that aren't very good.


Making a Conan the Barbarian God of War rip off is just like a no-brainer. The game is so much fun.

Boltgun is a fun game. I like that I can play with the cheats on and still get achievements on Xbox


Turok is a fun game. I know it's nothing like the old games but I've never played those so I like this new one, it's like a weird aliens rip off with dinosaurs. It's kind of wonky and strange, and I love the look of this era of Unreal engine 3 games. And I think it's funny that this game was made by Disney.

GTA V is a pretty good game. I played through it twice, but I was ready for GTA 6 10 years ago. What is Rockstar doing, are they just like swimming in those billions of dollars they got from creating the most successful entertainment product of all time. They really should just make a new game it shouldn't take them almost 20 years to fart out a sequel.

Remember when Valve used to actually make games? They were really good at it. Portal 2 is great.

Classic God of War with so much better. Angry Kratos is the best.

Red dead 2 is so boring. But it's like the worst kind of boring where you don't even know you're bored. Somehow I played over 35 hours of this game until one day I just came to realization that I am wasting my time. This game is awful.

It's just fun to wander around doing stuff. I couldn't tell you at all what the story in Skyrim is. Don't care about the lore or any of that stuff I just like wandering around going on an adventures and seeing what happens.


This is peak Doom right here. Doom 2016 is so awesome, it's one of the best shooters ever made.