It's far cry, they're all kind of the same after this one. Far cry 3 was great and Ubisoft decided let's never make anything different again. Except the story is awful compared to three.

Feel bad for all the people who paid full price for a demo. I mean I got it for free with Xbox games for gold and I still felt ripped off after beating the game in 10 minutes.

Good game, I like reboot Lara.

You know I'm just not that impressed by cyberpunk.

If Reddit were a game it would be Doom eternal. What a huge letdown after 2016.a huge letdown after 2016.

It's okay. I played about 20 hours, I'd say I got my money's worth out of my free month of Game pass. I'll probably never play it again.

Somebody at Bethesda thought let's take Fallout 4 and make it even worse. They succeeded, awful game.

Take a trip to Vegas with your two favorite friends. Wonderful game.

Fallout 3 is a really good game.

Good game. I like reboot Lara.

Fun game, but some of the police chases can just go on and on forever.

Spooky game. The ending boss fight when you're running around The farmhouse with the killer chasing you freaked me out.

The burnout games were so cool.