a game so poorly balanced that for years people thought an intentional gameplay design was a bug

only play if you enjoy suffering

the better of the two Climax made SH games, although not by much due to terrible writing including needless retcons and drastic character alterations (Lisa), dumb gameplay decisions like breakable weapons and ammo caps, and a complete inability to establish its own identity, instead just rehashing the same tired tropes of the franchise (lookin' at you, the Butcher)

more of the same as the original, but with even more of an obsession with dick trauma and a monster more memorable than any of the base game's but for all the wrong reasons

while the camera gimmick is kind of cool, it doesn't really save the game from being a generic jumpscare fest with a Freudian-esque obsession with dick trauma

I have to give credit where credit is due, the soundtrack is pretty good and there are some good individual moments, the second boss fight in particular I found genuinely scary

and that's all I have nice to say about Homecoming, which is otherwise a Silent Hill 2 rip-off but without any of the things that made Silent Hill 2's story...y'know, good, and plenty of chaff tacked on that makes it bad, like HUMAN ENEMIES, characters with the depth of a puddle and the emotional range of plywood, and a janky action heavy combat system that feels way worse to play than any of the old games

I'd call this the worst Silent Hill game, but this is so far removed from what Silent Hill is that I don't think you can even call it one in name only

plus, the free DLC letting you play through the game as Heather with Princess Heart's wand automatically makes it way better than Shattered Memories

the worst Silent Hill game, bar none

even ignoring how it's Silent Hill in name only, none of it works; the gameplay is either therapy sessions with a man who should not be a therapist, completely linear "exploration" or unbearably unfun chase sequences with no variety, every character is either bland or deeply unlikable, and the game (and the writer/designer) thinks it's far more clever than it actually is with its completely transparant "oooh the game reads you" nonsense

the only good point really is that the voice cast is great even if there's some bad direction, which just sucks because they were wasted on this drivel

an irredeemable turd of a game that features such quality material as:
-ruining Aya in a manner not unlike Metroid: Other M tried to do to Samus
-ruining Maeda by turning him into a creepy pervert
-a story that makes no sense because they cut half of it in the middle to meet deadlines
-mediocre at best gameplay with a gimmick that should be cool but is mostly annoying
-and much more!