The combat was fun, but could get frustrating and world exploration felt a bit tedious. I thought the story was engaging and I loved seeing how Order 66 affected other Jedi, in this instance Cal and his Master in flash backs. Would recommend for Star Wars fans and folks looking for an action/adventure game.

This is one of the greatest games on the Playstation 4, I will not be taking any further questions. The combat is fluid and immersive. Swinging around as Spider-Man is seamless and immersive. The story was captivating and well paced. It's a beautiful Spider-Man simulator, with a narrative that brings a refreshingly new, yet faithful, take on my favourite superhero and his world of stories. This is a must play (or watch) for EVERYONE. The MCU and Sony Pictures could never tell a Spider-Man story this good. I don't even think the comics can anymore.

There are few games that when I play I am incapable of stepping away from to live my everyday life. The Last of Us is one of them. The characters and storytelling are two of my favourite parts about this game. The relationship built between Ellie and Joel and the journey they take will always stay with me. A must play (or watch) for anybody, not just gamers.

Second Son is fun and charming. The combat is really cool, with some of Delson's abilities being better than others, but which ones those are comes down to preference of play style more than anything. The story was good, but left me wishing there was more of a connection to the original two Infamous games.

This game is so much fun with friends or by yourself. My favourite thing to do is build and adventure. Servers are always a blast too. Give me a Saturday night with friends and I'll always recommend starting a server on Minecraft. I dream of the alternate reality where I'm a high profile Minecraft YouTuber. Oh what a life that Bryce must live.

A classic in the world of PC gaming. The puzzles get progressively more challenging as the game progresses, with a few moments that left me needing chats help. Still Alive is a beautiful song and never forget that the cake is a lie.

I will forever be chasing that feeling of anticipatory wonder when I saw the Great Plateau for the first time. The mesmerizing first moments of booting up this game, exiting the cave, and watching the camera pan across the land of Hyrule as the music swells, calling you to explore the wild. This game brought me hours of adventure and joy when I needed it most. Thank you Eiji Aonuma and the rest of the team at Nintendo.

A classic and I won't be hearing any complaints made. This isn't my favourite entry in the Freddi Fish series, but it is the OG that started it all. When someone says "The point and clicks from the 90's slapped" this is one of those games I'm thinking about.

This is the first game I've ever played that made me cry, and that's thanks to its beautiful storytelling, well written characters, a world that feels lived in and loved, and a soundtrack that I listen to constantly since playing. There are two different friendship paths you can take throughout the game, I took the Gregg route on my play through. I look forward to playing through Bea's next. Night in the Woods will forever be one of my favourite games of all time.

Of the two Portal games, this one is my favourite. The story feels more developed, the world feels more lived in, and the puzzles get way more creative. The voice acting is absolutely fantastic and the inclusion of a co-op story mode was a great addition (it is a whole secondary campaign y'all). The first game is a MUST play before playing Portal 2, but if you're like me you'll remember this one more fondly once you've beat both.

A childhood classic, this game was the first game I ever beat. Which is relatively quick to do in 3-5 hours, but the replay value comes from trying multiple times to get the best photo of different Pokemon on each track. This will always be one of my favourite N64 games to return to time after time.

The Last of Us Part 2 implements one of the coolest story devices of any game ever. Using player's emotional investment from the first game, to fuel them towards anger, only to flip the narrative on them at the half way point was pure genius. It left me questioning my comfort level with painting characters (i.e. people) with morally definitive "good" and "bad" labels. With a much more nuance perspective that no one is only one or the other. Absolutely deserved Game of the Year in 2020.

I never grew up on Spyro but I always wanted too. I played the first 30 to 60 minutes of the OG on PS1 a few times as a kid. But I never really sat down and played it until streaming the remastered collection. This is a 3D platformer that has stood the test of time and I really wish they'd make more.

I will say I enjoyed the first game more, but this is still a great game. It's really just more of the first game with a bit more charm given to the larger ensemble of characters. They did a beautiful job remastering these games. They look so good.

This game holds a special place in my heart. I remember when I first played this game there was something so comforting and familiar about the environment and the soundtrack that accompanied me on my journey. How quickly you decide to make your way to the tip of the mountain is up to you. What you get from "A Short Hike" depends entirely on the time you choose to take, and I love that.