I didn't actually play this game, I watched my best friend play it and I backseated. It's fine, but like I'm not upset we never finished it. Some of the plot points and surprise twists were fun, but then others were just bad. Plus, most of the characters were just annoying. I won't be playing a Danganronpa game again anytime soon.

Now this here is what the kids call, a classic. The bus rides I took home from school, spent firing birds will live on in my heart for many more years to come. I don't think I could ever separate this game from school buses. So I shan't try. Abandoned it shall stay.

Call of Duty? Leaves me kinda moody, not gonna lie. I bought it to play zombies with friends, but quickly realized that I get bored very quickly when it's the kinda game I have access to on the regular rather than just once in a while. Couldn't tell you anything about this game other than Zombie's exist, gonna be honest.

I never got the hype for this game. I had a good friend in high school who was obsessed with it, and I tried to get into it with him but I got bored so fast. I've rarely found combat to be the most exciting part of a game. So a game that's just that? I just don't think it's the kind of game for me.

This game is so good and could have been so much better if they had treated it like a full game and not as a mini sequel/prequel to the two main line Spider-Man games. Miles is a great character and his abilities are so fun to play with. He makes for such a unique experience after playing the first game. But so much of the plot felt rushed and dialogue felt clunky because of a the constant need to move on to the next thing. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm such a Spidey fan boy I'd probably give it a lower rating.

This is peak Sims DLC/Expansion. The rush I got as a youth, feeling risqué, like I was a mature adult woohooing in the hot tub at a club. I was very excited to play this with friends for the first time and when I got myself my own copy of Sims 3 years later you bet your Su Su this is the only expansion I ever bought.

This is the version of Sims I have played more than any other. What first started as a fun game to backseat and share with childhood friends became an obsession as I got my own copies to play on my home computer, Xbox 360, and eventually my own laptop. The open world is to this day one of my favourite parts about it.

I was a Kickstarter backer for this game (peep my name in those credits). Beacon Pines has such a rich narrative with one of the most unique gameplay mechanics, using words as collectibles to explore the story tree. I love the art direction and the game's soundtrack. Everyone deserves a friendship like Luka and Rolo.

I love a great mystery, especially a great mystery where I can't predict what's coming next. Jenny LeClue does it with out missing a beat. This game has great voice acting, great writing, and such a unique premise I don't want to spoil for anyone. Plus art direction is great and the gameplay is super engaging., It genuinely breaks my heart that there probably won't be a sequel because I want one so bad.

Donut County is quirky and fun indie game you can easily spend an afternoon on. With a great ensemble, charming dialogue, and a silly premise, I highly recommend folks check this game out.

Absolutely not, no- no- no thank you. My best friend played it with me and I never even want to acknowledge this game again. I'm sure its a good game, but I am a baby and don't like being scared, and this game scared the shit out of me.

I played it once with a couple friends, and it was fine. But not super memorable. Don't really care to go back to it.

Throw back to when this game was the trendiest thing to play on the internet. It was fun playing this game with friends, but no one of our group ever got all eight pages. It was fun while it was fun, but there's no need to try and go back and beat it. The vibes were what I remember the most fondly more than the game itself.

I played this game for a Christmas special YouTube video once upon a time, because finding Christmas games is impossible. It was fun, but I've never really cared much for Batman so I haven't touched it again since the beginning of the game Bane fight. Maybe one day I'll try the Arkham games, but not anytime soon.

I loved this game so much as a kid. It definitely isn't a perfect game, and in hindsight the plot makes ZERO sense. But I can absolutely credit this game for my obsession with super hero comics in high school. Reading the free comic pages you unlocked as collectibles were some of my favourite things about this game.