Doki Doki Literature Club is trippy as balls. This was my first experience playing a visual novel, and my first experience with a dating simulator. I played it on my laptop, in the passenger seat of my best friend's car, during a long car ride home from University. We managed to beat the game in the 5ish hours that we spent driving, and I believe this game is best experienced when played in one sitting. Having an immersive experience that was never broken by real life distractions lead to many of the games themes having a larger impact on my friend and I while we played.

I played this game for news project that never ended up being picked up by networks. I love this game with all of my heart. I've copy and pasted an excerpt from my original review below.

"Exploring the province of Picnic you will meet characters named after plants or foods, spend lots of time colouring, and go on a journey filled with heart, adventure, and self discovery. The game's story is structured into 10 chapters. Each Chapter reaches it's climax with either a fun and forgiving boss fight or some really cool and unique puzzles. The soundtrack is filled with arrangements from Lena Raine that often had me stop playing to just enjoy the music....This game goes out to all the homies who spent their childhoods playing Pictochat, Kidpix, and MS Paint! I put in about 24 hours of total game time and easily at least 10 of those hours were spent just colouring this adorable world"

PHOGS! is a wacky and weird time that I enjoyed every second of. I played co-op online with my best friend, meaning each of us controlled one half of the "Phog". Two players controlling one character let to silly hijinks and a desperate need to communicate. If you were to play solo you'd control each half with each hand, which is some Sakurai levels of skill I don't have. My only negative opinions of the game are that there were a few game breaking bugs that need to be patched out and the price for the game was a bit more than I wanted to pay. Other than that, it's a very fun co-op game I recommend people play!

It feels insincere to say I've "played" Sonic Colours: Ultimate, because I backseated my best friend playing it. The controller never touched my hands, but we streamed it together on Twitch and completed the game together. So everything other than the experience of interacting with the gameplay mechanics, I was an active gamer! The sound track in Sonic Colours is one of my favourite parts. The music is wonderful. Additionally, the art direction is colourful and fun, and the introduction of the Wisps as power ups is great. The story itself is pretty simple, but for a sonic game that's not the most important ingredient. What I want are fun levels and quick cut scenes that move the plot along with memorable one liners and great character interactions. I got those in this game so I was happy. The Ultimate "face lift" makes Sonic Colours look nice and HD, but most importantly I'm glad this game remains accessible for today's gamers to play.

I started playing Super Auto Pets 'cause a friend on here reviewed it. It is a very fun and addictive mobile strategy game. You slowly build your team of animals (Pets) every round, each with their own abilities, to try and win against each opponent you face. Think rock, paper, scissors but with 30+ more choices. The matches are automated (Auto), based on the numerical outcome of each team's stats. I've retired the game because I was having an addictive level of fun and I need to try and limit the amount of screen time on my phone. The game is definitely programmed to hold your attention and drip feed the serotonin. I did VERY well my first couple matches, then lost the next few, and by the end was slowly getting closer and closer to perfect games. Partially because I was getting better at strategizing, but also because it felt like the "RNG" was pairing me against the right people to make sure I neither lost or won too much at once.

A short, but fun puzzle game to play with a friend! Like most puzzle games, once you've beat it there isn't a lot of replay value. The two roles of Librarian and Explorer aren't extremely different from each other. I'd recommend swapping roles with your partner for a second play through for a change of perspective, rather than for a new experience with the game. Grab a pal and try it out!

The game was fun enough when I played it. But it was a game I got because of all the hype surrounding it, not because it actually interested me.

This game always bored the hell out of me. I played it a few times with my friend who was obsessed with it. But survival games have never been my thing so it never interested me in playing alone. There are other survival games out there I can play that are better anyways.

This was a charming multiplayer RPG my friends and I found to play together when many of us only had access to Apple computers. There's not a lot to it though, and unless you've got friends to play it with, it can get a bit boring.

Watch some marbles role I guess? I don't get the hype to be honest. This just feels like a time waster sort of game and I've never been fond of those.

Now this, THIS is MARIO. When I say SUPA Mario, this is the game I'm picturing. This is the game that made me start to realize as a kid that some games are better than others. The soundtrack is fantastic (Wind Garden, Space Junk Galaxy, and Good Egg to name a few), when those horns swell during the opening title sequence I get chills every time. The game looks absolutely beautiful and the platforming mechanics using zero gravity is spectacular. I loved using motion controls to activate launch stars, pull stars, and all the other game mechanics that incorporated it. This play through was on the remastered Switch version. The game still looks and plays as great as ever. Having the choice to just use a pro controller is fine, but I recommend using the joy cons like they're a Wii-Mote and Nunchuck if you can.

I genuinely imagine this is what a real 9-5 office job is like.

Few games have made me feel the level of pride I felt when I finally beat Super Meat Boy. The platforming in this game is absolutely insane. Every press of the button has to be precise. Your reaction time almost perfect. It leaves no room for error. I died A LOT; again and again. Some levels were worse than others. What feels to me like masochistic game design usually leaves me abandoning a game quite quickly, but I was racing a friend while playing this. The competition kept me committed and I'm glad I stuck with it. I'll always feel accomplished saying I managed to beat Super Meat Boy, and even more so knowing that I won the race against my friend too.

Assassin's Creed's incorporation of real world historical events with mythology to create the world and story has always been my favourite part about this series. I also attribute this game to the reason why I love stealth mechanics and climbing traversal in other games. It wasn't the first game to perfect these mechanics, but it certainly fine tuned them to the point every game since has been imitating what they did here. This game holds a special place in my heart for an assortment of reasons and I just think its great.

Team Fortress 2 was one of my favourite games to play with friends back in high school. I was almost always terrible, but every so often we'd find the pocket as a group and a match would be spectacular. I can thank this game for the desire to get into games like Overwatch and Valorant all these years later. Always best to play with friends.